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Weapons wishlist

Jan 23, 2006 Lord Q link
>Lord Q: I disagree with that lport beam wep, having it heavy doesn't really matter,
>you could make it weigh the ship down enough to make it act like a moth, and it
>would still easily annihilate any Cent, ALWAYS. Weps with infinite velocities are not

yes, that's why the weapon also needs a delay of upwards of 5 seconds. and a range of 100m. as well as no autoaim. it's extreemly deadly at close range, but gives no magin for error, and an skilled oponent should be able to keep out of range.

how about a mine that attracts hive bots bots. hive bots of all kinds will be compelled to come toward the mine and would attack any none hive-bot that came within 500m of it. this could be usefull for clearing sectors, or leveling. but would also just be cool.
Jan 23, 2006 zamzx zik link
no infnite velocities are almost never intresting, if they put a little 'charging' animation (think mini-deathstar) then it'd work fine, also, make it do 1000dmg to the user :D
Jan 23, 2006 Shapenaji link
LordQ: No interesting fighting happens outside of 200m, and the most interesting fighting happens within 100. Beyond that is just spray and pray. No beam weps.

Although, BG's charging Idea would be kinda cool, it takes 2 seconds to warm up, at which point an opponent could get the hell out of there.
Jan 24, 2006 sissoko link
with all these new powerful weps there also comes recharge rates reload time etc.etc there have to be delays on useage, to not make them to imba...
Jan 24, 2006 jexkerome link
I want some rocks, a few pieces of paper, and a pair or two of scissors...
Jan 24, 2006 mellowvision link
what about EMP disabling mines that don't show on radar? sleepers
Jan 24, 2006 johnhawl218 link
been suggested by me in this thread, and, mentioned in other threads mellowvision.
Jan 24, 2006 CrippledPidgeon link
well a possible interesting change to beam weapons and charging could be: there's no time limit between charged shots, but a beam weapon won't do any damage if it's not charged for at least a half a second, and won't do significant damage unless it's charged for much longer.

So you could have an impressive beam machine gun, but it would do absolutely no damage.
Jan 24, 2006 Lord Q link
if you realy think that you're just a lost cause. a weapon that discourages your enemy to close within 100m will only encourage more skill (you'll have to learn to aim, instead of just relying on close proxcimity to score a hit)

zamzx zik,
that's an interesting idea.
Jan 25, 2006 terjekv link
last time I played this game the situation was:

if you get hit outside 150m, you can't dodge. honestly. a good pilot is pretty much unhittable by *anything* except spray and pray beyond 150m. well, unless maybe you're in a moth. try hitting a good pilot like Shape in a loaded Ragnarok even, at 150m he'll roll and dodge and be almost impossible to hit. if people belive that a good aim will hit him, feel free. put on your rails and show your stuff. if 400m/s doesn't do it, you can try to use energy and lead him into your shot. I dare you. :-p
Jan 25, 2006 Shapenaji link
Lord Q, I'm not an idiot, and my aim is actually good.

I just dodge well enough to know that hitting someone outside of 150 m has nothing to do with aim.

Human reaction speed is around .2 seconds, at 150 m, even with n3's, I have time to see your shot fired, and avoid it.

When you actually become a competent PvP pilot, maybe then you can suggest some ideas Lord Q.
Jun 16, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Okay. So then a 'beam' weapon that would fire at say 300m/sec. It'd be less energy efficient than a rail gun, but wouldn't take ammo to fire. In this case, it'd be more like a 'stream' weapon. Haha! *ahem* Yes, so this gun would have *no* autoaim whatsoever, and would be very thin. Weighing 1500 kg, I'm thinking the small port version at 1000 damage/sec at 100 energy/sec would be fair. I guess it'd just fire 100 shots every second that dealt 10 damage each at 1 energy per shot, and looked kind of like a stream of 1as0rn3ss because they'd be so close together, and each 3m in length. What it'd come out to is a rapid fire railgun that didn't use ammo, and was a little slower, not as powerful, but more manageable.

Edit: This does a good job to illustrate sort of what I have in mind.
Jun 16, 2007 FatStrat85 link
Life Force!
Jun 16, 2007 SilentWave link
Itani psychic powers that can redirect fired missiles like the force in StarWars. Make it available after extensive training through a mission string.