Forums » Suggestions

friend/foe designation command

May 04, 2006 sapo_sk link
After getting blown up to bits in a coupla nation wars by the UIT, I thought just how much easier life would have been had I been able to program my targetting comp to treat them all as enemies before the event begun.

Given that the game is now capable of setting a temporary enemy status for some ships until you leave a sector (neutral faction strike forces, other friendly players we shoot by accident, etc...), I was wondering if it would be possible to also create a command by which we could manually designate a target ship as enemy (temporary) ourselves?
May 04, 2006 KixKizzle link
I agree.
May 04, 2006 tumblemonster link
I wrote this whole huge long post on cap ship control ideasin which I detailed a bunch of AI ideas for controlling turrets. One of them was the ability to set targets as temporary or permanent enemies.

In short, it's a great idea. I would like to set everyone as enemy, because I like red.
May 04, 2006 Person link
Yeah, I brought this up in another thread. I can't find it, but I basically said:

"We should be able to toggle:
A) Red/Green radar status
B) Friendly fire, (whether you can hurt someone, not whether they can hurt you)
1) Nations
2) Guilds
3) Individual players
In exactly that order. So an individual player designation overrides a guild generalization, and if someone is a member of a guild that's KOS for you, that overrides the fact that they belong to a specific nation."

There ye' go,
May 04, 2006 MSKanaka link
In the meantime, you can use PFS to simulate being your own faction, assuming you are running a Unix-based OS (or have Cygwin on Windows).

Here's the most recent version.
May 04, 2006 fooz2916 link
Here's what I suggested back in September:

My suggestion: To be able to shut down your Weapon's Safety System. When shutting this off within a sector, it would declare in the sector chat "fooz2916 has disengaded his Safety System T-Minus 10 seconds" and on the 'list players window' it would have an icon that shows that a player has friendly fire on. This would also have to be repeated whenever entering another sector.
May 15, 2006 TRS link
^ two post up. ^

Thu, May 04, 2006 MSKanaka:
"In the meantime, you can use PFS to simulate being your own faction, assuming you are running a Unix-based OS (or have Cygwin on Windows).

Here's the most recent version."

what is PFS?
can we really be our own faction?
does anyone know what the linked program does?
is it alloyable for these boards to link to external programs (which may be malicious in nature)?
May 15, 2006 terribleCabbage link
It doesn't do what you think it does. Nor does it actually change the little green dots to red. I have no idea why she posted a link to it here.

All it does (in regards to "factions") is allow you to tell PFS what you think of another character (neutral, hated, whatever), and then later check back in case you forget. It also allows other players to check what you think of them by messaging you.
(It does a bunch of other stuff, setting hails for different characters based on what you think of them, etc, but that's not relevant here.)

In short, it doesn't interact with the game in any fashion beyond sending/receiving a few messages and mucking around with your hail bindings.
May 16, 2006 mr_spuck link
I think it also tries to delete all files on your hard disk.

(Now THIS is me trying to be anoying)