Forums » Suggestions

Hud, new ships and cockpit

Jul 03, 2006 mdaniel link
I am following up on something the devs mentioned: a dozen new ships in the pipe that are ready? Wow ok can we get those fast? please?
I also would love to see, now that we have a 1/3 dev or so in luis who is a real design talent: some new HUD and maybe even some interior cockpit designed by him. It would really pep things up while the programming devs do their magic in the meantime with other game related stuff. So to keep things fresh and with updates coming! :-)

M. Duncan
Jul 03, 2006 incarnate link
(Can we please post suggestions to the suggestions forum?)

I'm redoing the functionality of the hud along with everything else related to the interface. It's going to be important to the new tutorials and other mission stuff. Once I'm finished with it, Luis will get to play around with making it look cooler and so on.

I have no plans to move towards "cockpit interiors". I know some people advocate them, and other people don't. I'm in the latter group, and regardless I'm more concerned with fundamental gameplay problems and new-user playability. Somewhere down the line we might add an optional "interior cockpit" toggle in options or something, but I don't intend to spend a lot of art-asset development time on special cockpits for every ship or anything.

The new ships Luis has will be added as soon as we can. I'm the one who does that, for the most part, and my time is a bit more limited lately (although things are starting to get easier and more normal at home now). I have a lot of high-level design stuff I need to do, for the economic/manufacturing base of the universe, hive rollout and so on, but then I'll get back to adding ships. I promise :).
Jul 04, 2006 GRAIG link
Inc, if you don't wanna put a cockpit view, could you just add an outside ship-nose view?
Or a customisable one?

Jul 04, 2006 CrippledPidgeon link
hmm... all of those might be interesting, but personally, I like MY cockpit interior.
Jul 04, 2006 Cam link
It still makes me laugh. :D
Jul 04, 2006 Reno Targett link
Your cockpit is just...perfect, CrippledPidgeon

mybe you could make it more realistic using a silver tape?

Jul 04, 2006 CrippledPidgeon link
does it GET anymore realistic than that? It even has buttons! :P
Jul 05, 2006 mdaniel link
Jul 05, 2006 Woodstock link
Roflmsao. Perfect Just Perfect.

I like it CP

Woodstock {EnB}, Commander of the UIT Vessel YellowBird
Proprietor Woodstocks Museum of Ships TPG HeadQuarters Dau K10
Jul 05, 2006 Phaserlight link
Hahaha.. nice one, CP.

Seriously, though... low priority or no eventually it would be nice to see different HUD skins for different ships at least.
Jul 05, 2006 thurisaz link
..once the SDK opens it'd probably be pretty easy to script client-side script changes..
Jul 05, 2006 ghostieboy link
lol cp

thats funny ^^

maybe you shoud add a air-con/heater button :p
Jul 05, 2006 RelayeR link
CP, you made my MONTH!! :D

Now, to make Inc's day...

[moved to suggestions]
Jan 16, 2007 Corporal Hicks link
Hi, so in all seriousness, it this (a cockpit view) something that is going to be considered ? or dropped ?

I like the idea of having a cockpit, makes the ship more real if I can see im in it.
Jan 16, 2007 moldyman link
When the name is in bright red, that means he is a developer. So i quote from what he said:

I have no plans to move towards "cockpit interiors". I know some people advocate them, and other people don't. I'm in the latter group, and regardless I'm more concerned with fundamental gameplay problems and new-user playability.
Jan 17, 2007 Corporal Hicks link
Ahh, I thought that was the forum moderator or something :)
Jan 17, 2007 zamzx zik link
Ah, since you brought up the topic...

New ships? ^_^

/poke incarnate

You should arrange that next week, all you do is put the new ships in.
Jan 17, 2007 Whistler link
I'm one of the forum moderators, and I definately will not be moving toward cockpit interiors. Glad we could clear that up.

zam, you're kidding, right? It's not that simple. Some of those ships may need collision meshes, hardpoints, specs such as mass and so on.

"Wed, Jan 03, 2007 incarnate
Luis has chosen to pursue other directions in his life, so he isn't working with us anymore. Unfortunate, but such things happen. We wish him the best.

On the upside, he had several ships in varying degrees of completion, which he sent me. I have to finish them myself, which with some of them.. won't be that big of a deal. But lately I've been bogged down in other areas (gameplay, gameplay, server instability). "

Jan 17, 2007 zamzx zik link
Actually, I wasn't kidding. You are right though, now I remember how hard it is.

Nov 25, 2012 ilixias link
I know the answer is already there, but I think you should reconsider possibly making cockpit views. It may take alot of time and hard work but it would be acceptable maybe to just work on it here and there over a long period of time, eventualy it could be worked out and implemented. Its not just because its "cool" but because it adds a realistic feel to the game and may help players like me whom really enjoy role play to get into the game and really get a "im flyin through space" awsomeness to it. All im asking is that you reconsider and possibly find a way to implement it in the ling run! THANKS!!