Forums » Suggestions

The Big UI Thread

Aug 01, 2006 Whistler link
" The problem is, you guys are mostly making interfaces based on how things currently work, and I'm trying to plan out an interface system based on how things *will* work (taking into account new features). "

I suspected as much. Thanks!

/me puts the soap back in the box, puts the box away.
Aug 01, 2006 incarnate link
I have to add to that.. that I don't necessarily know that my interfaces or design will be the best (or, for that matter, good), even taking into account the new stuff I'm trying to design around and everything. Just that I'm the best we have right now, and I'm trying to get as much done *right now* as I possibly can. So.. I will definitely need more feedback as time goes on, and suggestions to help polish this thing up.
Aug 01, 2006 moldyman link
Leber, when lua does open up and you do somehow manage to bribe someone into making that interface, I think it'll be the most popular one around.

Oh and it's ^^, not ^_^

Get it right, ninny :P
Aug 01, 2006 MSKanaka link
Vote for your favorite!

[ ] LeberNinny
[ ] NinnyMac
Aug 01, 2006 roguelazer link
[x] not a1k0n
Aug 02, 2006 moldyman link
Andy needs some sunglasses, a hat and a fake mustache next time.
Aug 02, 2006 LeberMac link
What's this? Did [SSC] designate a "Pick on LeberMac Day?"

OK, first tab only of the Ships Tab:
Buying Parts for your ship
Not equipping yet, just buying parts like at a hardware store, and moving them into your station "Storage Area" or "Assembly Area"

Selling component parts
Selling them from your station "Storage Area" or "Assembly Area".

If they click on the detail button, they get this screen

I'm trying to take as much of what ctishman and crip said to heart.

Things that should be universal:
If a listbox/combobox has "focus", then up and down arrow keys will move the selected box up and down. PageUp and PageDown will scroll a bunch at once, and Home and End will go to the top and bottom of the listbox, respectively.

When in a station, Tab would cycle "focus" between the various interface elements, as if you clicked on the next thing. Shift-Tab would cycle backwards.

When an interface element has "focus", clicking Return or Enter acts as if you clicked on it.

The Esc key kicks you one level "up" from where you are in the interface, almost like a close box.

If an interface element is a text entry box that describes quantities or amounts and it has "focus", pressing + or - will increment or decrement by one. Perhaps alt(option)+ or alt(option)- will increment or decrement by 10's, and holding down control will increment or decrement by 100's.

Allow the joystick or gamepad to have a role while in-station using the interface. Perhaps have "strafe right" do the same thing as the Tab key. "Strafe left" could do the same thing as shift-Tab.

Some interface elements in the station interface should be assignable to binds, if not ALL interface elements. For example. I'd love to be able to hit "Option (alt) - R" to Reload All Ammo and "Ctrl-Shift-Option -Enter" to Launch. Instead of hunting thru the interface by clicking, creating keyboard shortcuts would be awesome. Even better would be allowing the player to modify those default keyboard shortcuts to suit them; or to add new ones or delete ones they don't use.

I'll try to post more tomorrow.
Aug 05, 2006 Phaserlight link
Aug 06, 2006 Ghost link
Is it in the plans to add a current mass indicator to the ship select and add/remove equipment screens?