Forums » Suggestions

Liquidation mission improvement

Aug 06, 2006 Racer link
Currently, the liquidation missions are listed individually per player that needs 'liquidating', however it can be time consuming to find that particular player.

It would certainly be better if there was only one liquidation mission that listed all of the players that need 'liquidating. You would be more likely to find one of them.
Aug 06, 2006 FatStrat85 link
I was going to make the same suggestion. Have the players come up like the different categories in the Trading Guild mission. Instead of retrieval, procurement, and delivery, have the players names and the price on their head.
Aug 06, 2006 Racer link
I was thinking more along the lines of only taking one mission for any/all of the players, rather than individual missions for each one.
Aug 06, 2006 FatStrat85 link
Ahh. Sorry. I didn't read your initial post correctly. In that case I disagree. I like having bounties on individual players and I like that it isn't always easy to find the person you are looking for.

I just think the organization could be better. Instead of having 10 missions filling up the mission screen for all different players, have one liquidation mission. Once you select it, all the players should become choices and you can pick one. It's just a cleaner interface.
Aug 06, 2006 Snax_28 link
I don't really see how this is any different than the bounty system that was not so great and as such was removed. Other than the fact that you get less money. In fact, at least with the bounty system you could get updates on where the player had been most recently spotted.

I like Racer's idea personally. Why would Corvus care who exactly you were heading out to pop, as long as they were on the "list", and long as you actually popped them?
Aug 06, 2006 shiro link
Basically it sounds like, why cant you just become a bounty hunter for Corvus?

Why we got rid of the old bounty system and got this is a mystery.
Aug 07, 2006 LostCommander link
A mystery, shiro??? Like the same kind of mystery of "why did BP get limited to 15 bots / person and drop-adding group members doesn't skyrocket the booty anymore"? ... Come on...
Aug 08, 2006 ananzi link
well i think its kinda fun. although it does encourage me to blow people up at station, a bad behavior, for which i blame society, my awful parents, violent televisision, violent videogames, and of course, beg jesus forgiveness (granted) , whew glad thats over... now i can do it all over again.
Aug 08, 2006 moldyman link

P.S. - FatStrat's idea is best. It's bounty hunting not kill everyone you see.
Aug 08, 2006 momerath42 link
Well, first of all, let me just explain that the reason we have this and that the old bounty system is gone have virtually nothing to do with each other:) I don't know much about the old bounty system except that it was exploitable.

The liquidation mission is like a 10 line hack I threw in to spice up the whole pirate-thing. It would be a bit more complex to make it one mission that pays the bounty for whoever you kill, but it's quite doable. In fact, since you will soon be able to get most missions in space, it makes little sense to require a person to abort their current liquidation and grab the one for the target they just spotted. So, I'll definitely do that, but I'm not sure how soon.

It may seem to some that we continually build nearly-done things and then leave them like that, sometimes discarding them later. I can only say that we try to complete each feature to the extent that we can given the state of our tools and code. Sometimes what seems like a small thing to add to even a seasoned developer, who doesn't know our codebase, actually involves ripping up whole systems that have been working well-enough for years. Grouping players and npcs is a good example.

So, yes, Liquidation missions (and Liberation for that matter) need improving, and Acquisition (collecting the loot) isn't even fully written yet. But the major annoyance of the ganking unbots has been replaced with something fairly fun (if I do say so myself). And that means that I'm shifting my attention to the next lowest-hanging-fruit; that is, whatever I can do within a week or two that really improves the game substantially.

This week it's scaling up the Hive. There are now 3 Hives on the test server centered in Rhamus, Metana and Sedina, and each of them is allowed to expand into adjacent systems as well. I haven't cleared the old hive out of those systems yet, though, so the Hive Skirmish missions act a bit odd right now.

Anyway, keep up the suggestions, and try not to get frustrated when what seems like a quick fix doesn't get our attention right away.

Aug 08, 2006 Shapenaji link
How bout multiple missions? seems like that would fix these problems to everyone's satisfaction...


It seems odd that when I take a bounty mission, and SUCCEED, the mission cancels, so suddenly Corvus bots are free to demand money from me again. I would suggest that the mission NOT complete until you return to a Corvus Capital station. That way your allegiance to Corvus can be continuous.

It makes no sense that after you do a GOOD job for corvus, you're suddenly treated like just another trader.
Aug 08, 2006 ananzi link
sure it does. thats how pirates are. stab you in the back one day, pat you on the back the next
Aug 08, 2006 Shapenaji link
A pirate might do that, but a large organization like corvus can't afford to be offing pilots who do good work. They'd run out of people to do their missions real fast.
Aug 08, 2006 ananzi link
it works for the CIA and the mafia, should work for corvus.
Aug 08, 2006 Shapenaji link
Both the CIA and the Mafia will hold on to you as long as you're useful. The only people that get tossed are those who are dangerous to "the Organization" or "the Family" respectively.
Aug 09, 2006 tianzi link
I've read Mom's post and it explains a lot of things about the liquidation missions. On the other hand, shouldn't a player's Corvus standing be taken into account? For example, if player X has admired standing (over +700 faction points) should the unbots bother them at all?

Also, how many unbots do you have to kill in order for a liquidation mission to be put out on you? Or, do you just have to run from them?

Aug 09, 2006 davejohn link
Well, despite being Corvus POS , Corvus are quite happy to post a mission to liquidate me.....

Ananzi is right ; never trust a pirate......

It all adds to the fun of the game.

Aug 11, 2006 momerath42 link

The 3 Hives seem to be working well on zarniwoop (testing and reports (in bugs) would be appreciated), so I rewrote the Liquidation mission tonight. It's now a single mission with a top ten bounty list. Like the Liberation mission, it is always running and you have to abort to get out of it. This is on the test server right now, but there's an issue with putting newlines in the description, making it rather hard to read. If we can fix that and further testing shows it to be stable, I'll put it into production tomorrow (fri-night/sat-morning).
