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Dec 04, 2006 moldyman link
Yeah, smart thinking Kirk. Put it right in the Unnies lap. Good idea.
Dec 04, 2006 drazed link
I was thinking, that big hallow roid would be idea for a "King of the Hill" type event, if it were in grey anyhow :(

And Jim, I think it would probably be better to put that roid into an empty/less active sector. Perhaps near one of the Corvus station in Odia, well not too near, well out side the NFZ.....
Dec 04, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
A stark specimen compromised of almost pure chlorite and with no visible flaws, it stands testament to the ringed planet, Kraz. Forming a perfect cube save for two miniscule entrances opposite one another, it measures 300 cubits to each side, and hangs in the heavens reflecting all light as if to herald the coming of a grand new age. The cube is an eery sight to behold, indeed, and even darker tales can be heard whispered in the slum bars of unmonitored space. Although many variations are told, on one point they agree; across the universe humans from all nations are scoured for prime specimen to particpate in The Arena, as the locals fondly refer to the cube. Trained from birth, these future pilots have a tendancy to be orphans of war that wondered into a dark alley on the wrong night. Due to their parent's genetics they often display the same stunning finesse with a starfighter one would expect to see from the military, precision combat in Deneb that's become so widely known among the core systems. Those who don't, well... we can't all be victors in life.

Regardless of the fantasies told by, presumably, ex-members of the 'unrat' squads, it's a fact that battles do occur from time to time. Through one brave reporter's coverage actually captured the barbaric rituals that take place in The Arena as much as several times a week, further information is unavailable due to the reporter's death from successive bullet wounds to the face. The actualy footage will not be disclosed, in convern for the public's safety. Who would do such a monstrous [Edit]error[/Edit] as to pit man against man in a test of utter brutality remains unclear, but through several interviews it's been revealed that the top candidates in these grudge matches are selected to lead the pirate brigands that clog trade through Sedina, Odia, and Bractus. Again, after many of the interviewers mysteriously disappeared, further investigations have been postponed. One thing that's certain however, is that it does nothing to improve the Corvus Prime Syndicate's already shady background that The Arena is located in Odia, a system reputed belonging to the Corvus Capital. Pilots, travel at your own risk.
Dec 04, 2006 LeChatlier link
"Who would do a monstrous"? It's kind of cool if you're speaking in slang.

"Man, watch this monstrous I'm gonna pull dude!" /me pulls a monstrous.

Ahem. Stood out.

Other than that I like.
Dec 04, 2006 Corvus Prime Syndicate link
/me sends an agent to materialize from the shadows like a demon, shoot SuperMegaMynt several times in the face, and dematerialize without a trace before adding "Foolish child, you have paid dearly for your error."