Forums » Suggestions

Turn up the Volume

May 04, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
If I were flying a spaceship into combat, I'd have my computer or whatever synthesize the kinds of sounds there are in VO. The audio cues are essential to survival at times.
May 05, 2007 toshiro link
Incarnate said: I should still have the original turbo sound.. somewhere. Not that that's really related to this discussion.

On the contrary! I liked it better...

As for the transmission of sound in space:
csgno1 is right, but assuming we have engines that employ changing the gravitational field, we could imagine conitnuous 'gravity ripples' emanating from them, that have an effect upon hollow bodies filled with a medium (like ships). This would, essentially, move the air inside them, creating sound. The bigger the ship, the bigger the amplitude of the ripple, the bigger the amplitude of the capship rumble inside nearby ships. Voilą.