Forums » Suggestions


Jun 07, 2007 ShankTank link
To make it so that if you're hated by a faction (that isn't a player faction) that you can enter the station freely if you have no weapons equipted on your ship. But if you're KOS they would attack anyways and you're screwed. This is basically so newbs who decide to kill things (such as stuck cargo runs) around the station without realizing that their standing is dropping will have a warning once the sf come at them on sight and so they might be able to fix that. hmm?
Jun 08, 2007 toshiro link
I think that would be a good idea. Just my opinion, though.
Jun 08, 2007 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
I think the ability to dock with a station despite horrible standings might be a useful idea, but I disagree that it should be as easy as unequipping the weapons on your ship. I would think more of along the lines of a mission or two given out by local NPC's in space(say, after bribing a station guard) to even be able to dock, at which point you can work on your standing by more classic means.

As far as this feature protecting new players from standing drops, no. If you shoot someone that will drop your standing if you kill them, the game warns you with GIANT LETTERS IN HUD YAYA DON'T SHOOT THEM. And even then a new player has to try pretty hard to kill anything in an NFZ before the strike force and/or defense turrets vaporize them.