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A suggestion on how to make dead more significant...

Jun 09, 2007 Shadoen link
Lots of people are saying that dead should be more significant. The only thing you lose when you get killed is your ship and money.
Some people are suggesting Death-timers(i strongly dissagree with this suggestion)...but the problem with that is that it would create extreme boredom and temporarily denying access to the game to paying players sucks. Also, that doesnt fall within the "Repercussions on your actions" theme of the game, its just waiting and doesnt add excitement to the game.

My suggestion is the following:

What could be done to make death a little more significant, is that everytime a person dies, he would lose faction standing with his own nation. Let say 50 point per dead? imagine if you died 5 times...that would be 250 standing loss. That would make dead more difficult.
And, let say the faction loss would be even greater if you got killed by a person with a bad faction standing with your own faction.
I heard a developer saying that your actions in VO have repercussions. So this would be a good idea and it would add to the reppercussion theme of the game.
So, what do you guys think??
Jun 09, 2007 mr bean link
[stamp of hell no]
Jun 09, 2007 The Ori link
I'd have to agree. My standing is way too precious.
Jun 09, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
I'm fine with this once a character passes a certain level.

However, faction isn't currently relevant to all and will soon be reworked entirely.

Maybe a monetary penalty.
Jun 09, 2007 Caitu link
Making death more costly in the manner suggested here would discourage PvP, soloing especially.
Jun 12, 2007 FatStrat85 link
I actually like this idea. As I've said before, there should be a separate PvP/Sparring mode for consensual 1 on 1 combat that does not result in the death of a player. Actual death resulting from actual combat should have stronger consequences than what we have currently and should be completely separate from friendly PvP/Practice.

A slight standing decrease sounds like a really great way to deter real death. This would also force people to continually level and work for their faction to maintain their standing, ensuring the vets will always have something to do.
Jun 12, 2007 softy2 link
[DELETE CHARACTER] <===== Press This
Jun 12, 2007 drazed link
I've seen so many threads about death recently I figured I'd throw in my own 2 cents.

I've come up with a way to make death meaningful and group combat more realistic while still allowing all the wonderful PvP that VO has to offer. Give us combat sectors/areas that we actually have to fly a ways to get too. If it takes me 10 minutes to get to combat death becomes meaningful because if I die I'm no longer in the combat zone for a very meaningful amount of time. Thus my death lets my team down without actually being detrimental to my stats. With this normal PvP still has it's place, if you want a 1v1 or duel you can fight anywhere, and can fly there in a matter of seconds. But for any group critical missions (eg. BP, BS....) you have to fly a while to get there, this means that it's now more practical to bring a field medic then to just die and come back.

Any thoughts?
Jun 12, 2007 LeberMac link
An excellent suggestion, drazed.

The easiest way to make death meaningful is to make the COST of dying more. If everything cost like 10x as much, that would probably do it.
Jun 12, 2007 The Ori link
Then what would happen to all of our delicious monies? I like my money!

But anyways, lets let the devs get the new economy going before jacking up prices and stuff. Then we should talk about prices.
Jun 12, 2007 Aleksey link
Didn't we have enough of these threads?

When the dynamic economy comes out, both death and running will mean loosing control of a trade route

Also, availability of purchasable weapons will be limited -- so you will run out of good stuff if you die too much

If we just throw in death penalties, we will discourage PvP activities and encourage ganking and running

Devs are not dumb like this of course :)
Jun 12, 2007 PsyRa link
Yup Drazed and Aleksey, I pretty much the same thing I said here.

I am going to address and expand on it again however, simply because I believe so strongly about this issue.

Individual death should not matter. This is a PvP game first, and possibly role play second. I believe the role play is only because there are some people that just have to turn everything into a role play. Hell those types would even add it to monopoly if they could, and then complain that the $200 past go should be different for different character classes. Risk, Axis and Allies, and a couple of others that cover conquest without getting into role play.

I don't want to role play in my space shooter simulator, I want to kill and be killed by things.

Even other MMO's are getting away from the extreme, early MOO death penalties. I believe that WoW went a very long way to make death have much less meaning than it's predecessors and became very successful because of it. Why? Because the game is supposed to be fun, and spending lots of time getting something, only to loose it when you die, IS NOT FUN!

Why in Gods green earth would you want to have a game where people can ruin your fun and hours of work as quickly as you can die in this game.

If ...
Loosing stuff is not fun and,
dying is not fun,
then how could loosing more stuff when dying be more fun?

Doesn't make sense does it?


If you are afraid to loose ships, then when will you ever get good at fighting? Don't talk about "consensual" PvP. It's not the same. There are so many different ways of "being good". 1V1 is only one aspect. Holding off and surviving multiple enemies while your team mates attempt to get back to you, drawing cap ship fire so your team mates can get in close enough to do damage, using wolf pack (ganking) tactics are all skills you can become better at. There are just so many ways to fight, kill, and die, that focusing on the 1V1 only is very narrow minded.

Some ways of "being good" force you to loose a ship in the process, and each of those ways is going to take practice and failure, before you become good. Forcing a player into a couple of hours of grind, each time they want to practice a new technique would be dumb.

I have seen and played, far too many games that made individual death significant, only to find out that the only way to make players happy afterward, was to make death matter less in another way. Eventually you end up with different kinds of death, escape pods, return to your corpse, etc, in a vain attempt to have death matter without mattering. All because people felt that the play was "meaningless". These games build up characters that eventually have no place to go. The highest level is attained, the best items acquired, and all you have left is the grind.

Right now VO has a very good death balance, and once we start fighting over resources, that balance will change, to where certain types of death matter more than others, simply because of the stakes for loosing. Death that costs your group/guild/nation, access to important resources is going to hurt, regardless of the ship costs.

The balance issues will change, from the current ship A vs ship B, and gun A vs gun B, to over powered guilds and potentially impossible to conquer/traverse sectors and systems. Eventually, if not careful, certain guilds will become as powerful as Bob is in Eve. The developers are going to have to think about and work hard to ensure that guild monopolies do not become a problem. I think that making individual deaths matter more, would increase the potential of this problem, simply because people would be far less willing to risk their own hide trying to take a bite out of a monolithic group.

Rant over.
Jun 12, 2007 Whistler link
I thought the Dead broke up?
Jun 12, 2007 Cunjo link
The only significant dead are the unratz who spam you with threats in greyspace... and I don't think they need any help.

Jun 13, 2007 The Ori link
I like the death in VO. You can die all you like, and.. well... not. That's an important aspect of fighting here, and allows more carefree training/practice.
Yes, there are exploits to that, but if a kill/death ratio was viewable for players (is it?) then there would be some ego-based anti-deathwarping.
Jun 13, 2007 moldyman link
It is, Ori.

Psy, I wonder if dead souls also wonder if playing the game of life was equally as meaningless. It's only meaningless if you find your *only* (I emphasize only) pleasure out of winning, rather than the attempt.

As for deaths in VO, the economy will take care of that, hopefully.
Jun 13, 2007 drazed link
I have an idea. How about make the jump distance from stations longer then from other "heavy" objects. Make it so you have to be at least 5km (*) from a station to jump out, and if possible be 5km from the station when you jump in. This would make death more meaningful because it would mean it takes longer to get back to battle. It would also make it harder to make credits, since traders would have to travel further from and to the stations; thus, making death even more meaningful since credits are now worth more. The jump distance in station free sectors would be unchanged.

Guess it doesn't really matter as the new economy will fix all this, but I figured I'd throw it out and let you guys chew on it for a bit ;)
Jun 14, 2007 Aleksey link
Not a bad idea. I am already too lazy to go for repairs in BP, but most people are not. So, this will more affect running than dying
Jun 15, 2007 SilentWave link
It does effect all aspects of gameplay, though.