Forums » Suggestions

Unaligned Pirates?

Jul 10, 2007 Undertaker link
Generally, it is recommended that a pirate to sabotage his/her nation faction in order to be an equal-opportunity pirate. This has adverse effects, in that said pirate is from that point unable to dock at their own nation's stations, and therefore unable to access nation-specific items or complete certain missions.

Now, if that same pirate were unaligned, he/she could work to raise their rating with each nation, while retaining the ability to pirate/attack members of all 3 nations. This is not a gripe, just a respectful suggestion...
Jul 10, 2007 Demonen link
The whole Friendly Fire thing is changing now, so this isn't really a problem for much longer.

I do agree, however, that one should have the possibility of becoming unaligned, or at least aligned with one of the lesser factions. Like Corvus Prime.
Jul 10, 2007 zamzx zik link
It is possible already for a guide or dev to make people unaligned. As I post, momerath is unaligned on the active player page.

Jul 10, 2007 MysticRogue link
Well said taker and something we are all hoping comes soon as opposed to Soon(tm) :)