Forums » Suggestions

My thought as a first timer... the price

Jul 14, 2007 syriana link
This game is awesome! i will love to get started! there's so much to see and do! But one huge problem that prevents me from doing so. The price.

For a game, this is quite expensive! Although this is an awesome game, compared to many other RPG's this is overpriced! My suggestion is to lower the price a little, this may attract more customers because i know a couple of friends and relatives who turned away due to the fact that the price is too much and that they rather spend the money on something cheaper.

I predict that this game will become more popular if the price went down a little
Jul 14, 2007 slime73 link
Umm....what? WoW and EVE are both like $15/month, this is $10 or less/month.
Jul 14, 2007 Croatoan link
I agree! My free trial just expired and I was just about to come on to suggest the same thing! I simply can't afford it! it's a brilliant game! i really want to continue! It's fun to experience life in space but it's to expensive as an RPG :( if u lower the price i will definitely sign up as a member! lol me too! i told 4 of my friends and my brother to try this out! as an instant they were hooked but had to decline due to the fact that it's overpriced!!!!
Jul 14, 2007 Demonen link

Dude, go out and mow ONE LAWN A MONTH!
Seriously. $10 is nothing.
Like slime says, both WoW and EVE are more expensive, and most other online games are, too.

Anyway, no-one is twisting your arm.
Jul 14, 2007 moldyman link
You said RPGs. RPGs are single games sold in boxes at your local store for about $49.99 at first release. MMORPGs tend to need constant flow of money due to server upkeep, paying the Internet Providers, space for said servers, electricity for said servers, etc. So when you compare games, don't compare this to an RPG say like Morrowind or Fable or KOTOR. Compare the price to World of Warcraft, Everquest II or Star Wars Galaxies.

PS - RPG in VO? You really haven't been here long... :/ It's more an MMOFPS.
Jul 14, 2007 Syylk link
Consider also that if you pay more months in advance, you get a good discount.

For example, if you buy an year, you get a 25% discount, and each month will cost only $7.5. If you buy two years, the discount goes to 33%, and the monthly price to $6.7.

I suggest to try the game for a month or so, however, before paying for such long periods.
Jul 14, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Hold on, I bought the RPG, Final Fantasy III for like $4 at K-mart.
Jul 14, 2007 Demonen link
Considering FFIII sucks, that's a pretty bad deal :P
I'd take FFIII _and_ $4, and use FFIII as a small, round mirror.
Jul 15, 2007 Lord~spidey link
lisen guys i see what you mean most of the people that already pay seem to be outraged at this but here right this is a cheap mmo in comparison to others i only have a 15 dollar canadian allowance per month dont you tell me you at least dont have that a 10 dollar allowance and when you need money just ask your parents if there is a little job you could do for em to earn a few bucks

not only are you getting a great game but your really contributing to it instead of putting more money in someones pockets like wow i doubt they put that enormous amount of money in the game like development or support

here is all the puntuation i forgot to put in ,...""..
Jul 15, 2007 Surbius link
Food is important and if you have to sacrifice several meals a week to pay for this game, then don't buy it. This is a luxury, not a necessity.
Jul 15, 2007 Lord~spidey link

dude you can buy a crate of food for 8 credits in dau and a crate is big

4.61 meters cubed thats enough food for a week oh and you need water too and thats 5 creds for a crate
Jul 16, 2007 look... no hands link
lord spidy what did you use to figure the size of a crate, it works out to only 1 cubic foot for steel also you cant measure volume in square anything, only area (except squared squared units of measure)

also a single slice of bread takes up more than 46.4 square centimeters

you might as well go by weight, thers 20 kilograms, or a little less than 44lbs of food in a crate, wich is a decent amount of food.

atleast they didnt make the bearing greese heavier than water
Jul 16, 2007 Lord~spidey link
yup 2 things i lost myself trying to retrace what i did to get 46 and i did it by the mass of purified water so thats 100 liters
one liter is 10x10 centimeter cubed

but then i lost myself the only thing is that 4.61x4.61x4.61 is really close to 100 and there is 100 liters of water in that crate

hmmm i really dont know how i did or what i did i better give up math altogether
Jul 16, 2007 Surbius link
cu = cubic unit

Ship lengths on are in meters.

Distance traveled is in meters.

So a cubic unit sounds like 1 meter^3
Jul 16, 2007 Demonen link
HAHAHAHAHA, this topic sort of de-railed :P
Jul 16, 2007 Lord~spidey link
no surb one cargo unit of waters is 100 kg and easy way to see it its

X 1 meter
Y 10 centimeter
Z 1 meter

thats 100kg of water right there
Jul 16, 2007 cfranz link
> I predict that this game will become more popular if the price went down a little

It is predictions like the one above that really get on my nerves. They get on my nerves because I feel that they are self-serving and a little dis-honest. What are you basing your prediction on? Simply your desire to spend less? Do you know anything about the "mechanics" of percieved versus delivered value? It is indeed a fact that as prices come down, things become more affordable. However, marketers have very early found out that even though an item has become more affordable, this seldom generates additional sales. No, the opposite is often true. The reason: people feel that the product is now discounted, somehow literally 'worthless' (blank between 'worth' and 'less' removed for emphasis). They want something for their money, and 'that which does not cost much, can't be worth much'. Also, experience has taught people that once the price has come down, the product will soon be discontinued, and/or be replaced by it's successor.
The opposite effect has also been observed: a product that was introduced at a lower price really took of when it's proce was increased.

Of course there are limits to this. Each product has a value for any given person. It also has a price range (up *and* down) that a person is willing to pay for it. If it's too high, it's not worth it. If it's too low, the person will assume that there is something wrong with it, and stay away (if someone offered you a brand new Porsche 911 for 100 USD, would you buy it?). The trick is to hit the right spot and maximise the number of people that are willing to buy at that price.

USD 10 per month is at the low end of the spectrum, and about right for a game that (currently) isn't much more than 'Online Unreal Tournament in Space' (no flames please - I'm aware that, unlike UT, VO has the potential to be *much* more). It's even less considering the fact that you don't have to pay for the software itself (many companies think it's Ok to charge you USD 50 or more for a game that's completeworthless unless you also cough up the monthly on-line fee). So, that's five month's worth game time for "free". In any event - if you can't afford it, you simply should not play. It's as simple as that. But saying that they should lower the price because it is 'too much' is doing the programmers a disservice. It de-values their work. Can you honestly say that you think they should lower the price so more people can play it, or wouldn't it be more accurate to say that you wish it was a little less so you can better afford it? I, too, wish *everything* was less expensive. But they are not. That's why I'm not driving a Prosche (that, plus the fact that I don't like their interior colors ;-).

Jul 16, 2007 Lord~spidey link
LOL a Prosche i dont know but that sounds funney :)
Jul 17, 2007 toshiro link
The irony of spidey pointing out other people's typing errors is a bit too much.


Also, we do not know the temperature of that water. It could just as well be frozen in order to avoid unsightly glooshing when trying to fight off a pirate with your hold full of water. I have no idea why one would fill her or his hold with water, but stranger things have been known to happen.

Mwaha, splitting hares always leaves such a mess...
Jul 17, 2007 cfranz link
At least he didn't think it was funny :-)
