Forums » Suggestions

Remove /vote mute

Apr 06, 2008 yodaofborg link
Yeah, OK, maybe it needs a big review rather than removing, I can run with that.
Apr 07, 2008 tumblemonster link
As if that's ever going to happen.
Apr 08, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
As if that's ever going to happen.

Tumbly, be consistent. I want you to post this at the end of every thread currently on the forum. Hell, all the forums.
Apr 08, 2008 Touriaus link
You know some people seriously just are a public nuisance. And they don't like it when people get tired of it and mute them, because generally the reason they are acting this way on the public channels is to stir up trouble and they say "well it won't stop my guns". Well it does, because they don't want to fight with guns in vo (imagine that!) they want to annoy people all day every day and consistently be volatile, vulgar, self righteous, and generally vile. All they want to do is cause trouble among people playing the game, so while they mock your attempts at vote muting and when you do they cry and get a bunch of other cronies to back them up. Then they go back to being the offensive person they were. And yeah /ignore is great, but some of the things that come out of people's mouths just shouldn't be heard at all, if enough people think they are being overly offensive then they should be muted. It's not a campaign in a sense that we are all conspiring against one another, it's who ever is being offensive that campaigns against himself for it. Think of what you say and maybe you might not be surprised why people are vote muting you. It's not a conspiracy, we're all just sick of hearing it.

Because to me, it seems to be the people that are generally offensive that seemed to be getting these "campaigns" against them (imagine that!). While others who speak nicely and are calm never seem to have a problem with the player base. Whoever is trolling and insulting people, being vulgar and offensive seems to be the ones crying about this all the time. Then of course every now and then the people that are being offensive start a campaign against all they dislike, some that were even completely innocent/justified in voting and have them all vote muted. And they calmly ask it to be lifted, they don't cry or whine or get a bunch of people and start a mob of complaints on the forums and then make these "i'll boom you" threats.

An interesting perspective that the people being muted conveniently ignore. Consider what you say and speak in a manner of peace and good and calmness, not vulgar, insulting and offensive. Then you might not have an issue anymore, none of these threads would be here and the devs can stop wasting their time with it and make their game a success.
Apr 08, 2008 chillum baba link
OK, I was staying out of this discussion, but since Mecha (wrongly as usual) wishes to try to involve me... fine.

Please don't post provocative nonsense just because you have a personal problem with me. This is not my "campaign" and never has been. Yoda was there when I was muted, he started this thread on his own. I neither "cried" nor got "cronies" involved, I simply switched to a trial account and circumvented the vote.

I know I am offensive at times, and I understand the possible consequences. This does not change the fact that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.
Apr 08, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Apr 08, 2008 genka link
What sort of pathetic loser would it take to go whine to the devs and beg to have their 24 hour mute lifted? What are they, your personal lackeys or something? Christ, doing something like that should prove to you right there and then that you're not as calm, reasonable and innocent as you think you are.

Apr 08, 2008 Touriaus link
I said no names, and wasn't thinking on any specific person in mind. There are a few after all.
Apr 11, 2008 thenthdoctor link
I am weighing in as the voice of inexperience - a paying newb - and I've never even participated in a /vote mute so maybe I'll be redundant too.

I like Lecter's general idea of reporting who did the mute, except inasmuch as it could result in the most annoying players now being armed with the information they need to become even more annoying. Responsible community members will hear "Stop snitchin!!!" come over the hail at about the same speed as the onslaught of death, courtesy of some bruised ego...

Next item - like I said, never used it so maybe this is redundant. Does /vote mute spout out some social responsibility commentary about "Only use Vote Mute if [Joe User] is abusing the chat community. Any other usage (ie you got your butt pwn3d and you're a sore loser) is irresponsible and may be punished."

So then, whether it does or doesn't, couldn't the /vote mute feature be stripped permanently from accounts of players who've abused it?
Apr 14, 2008 Impavid link
I suggest leaving the /vote mute system in place as-is, with the addition of a /vote unmute. Unmute votes count the opposite direction of mutes. This would effectively counter the mute campaigns, and as Moda rightly put it tonight: "it's like not voting and then bitching about who gets elected if you dont vote then you dont have a right to bitch "

*As if that's ever going to happen.
Apr 16, 2008 Kragmier link
Keep /vote mute, advertise it on 100.
Apr 16, 2008 yodaofborg link
I'd just like to state, that I have never had more than maybe 10 votes, and I have never been muted. From the outside looking in - /vote mute is broken - and can be exploited more than any bot crack by any group of players, you tell me its not a campaign ? I say bullshit, I have seen a player muted for just login in, the only place he spoke was guild chat, he never said a word on 100.

It should be either changed, so we can see which account is doing the muting (website, 100, whatever), or changed in some other way, it is broken mecha.


Oh yah, and I'm sure /vote mute was not intended to let the player base decide who can talk on guild chat and who cannot, /vote mute should extend to public channels only! If someone is annoying you via PM after being muted? well, thats when /ignore would work perfect, huh?

[edit 2]

There is no anti-vote-mute-mob, I saw what I saw, and yet again, it pissed me off that a person could be muted for past behaviour.
Apr 17, 2008 blacknet link
Sorry to weight in here on this thread as it is not a topic I would normally post to. I have to say a few things that seems well rather pointless with several people pointing out.

For starters what purpose, benefit and constructive use would it be in disclosing who voted to mute someone? The only purpose I can see is harassment of said people, retaliation against the voters and future dogging. As for constructive usefulness that benefits the game community as an overall entity I can think of nothing at all in this area.

Point with the mute system is the dev's and guilds have better things to do and they would get less work done if they had to settle immature, childish and distasteful disputes like this.

As Impdavid likes to do often by taking things out of context let me clarify my public (100) remark about voting. If you are bitching about something that is being done on 100 and you do not do either vote mute and/or ignore then you really have no right to bitch at all. However, if you do vote mute and/or ignore then you do have every right in the world to bitch about things. vote mute and ignore is intended by design to stop annoying and troublesome users who likes to abuse things. What people fail to realize is if you feed into these online predators that will only cause more problems in the long run so it is best to just ignore them or mute then and they will go away, usually rather quickly.

The only thing that I can see in removing the vote mute system is so predators can continue to stalk, harass and cause abusive behavior to an increased level. While vote mute may not be completely bug free and does have a few exploitable areas I see no reason to remove it but rather fix the few small bugs in it and leave it in place.

I am sure the dev's have more important things to deal with than a silly thread like this so can I suggest things move on to issues that will be productive to the community as a whole?

Apr 17, 2008 Roda Slane link
Vote mute has absolutely no effect on my blasters. I will still boom you, no matter how many votes.

The people that are the most effected by vote mute, are the very people that most need to be vote muted. If you can't shut up and shoot someone, then let everyone shut you up for you.

The only problem with vote mute, is that vote muting someone besides myself, could be an offense against me. What if I want to hear from them?

In the past, I have been vote muted. I have discovered that buddy note will still let me talk to people on my buddy list (which for me, is a huge collection of people).

There are only very few things wrong with vote mute, as it stands now.

1) I can not override a vote mute for my own purposes. If bidi gets muted, I should be able to establish a channel with him for my own purposes.

2) vote mute should not stop incoming msg or buddy note. The muted person still has access to ignore, and should make their own decisions about who they want to hear from.

3) There should be a way to check the vote count without actually voting.

4) The vote should not be account wide. Simply make it so you can not delete a character that has a mute in effect. An idiot will get all his characters muted in order, and will not be able to make new characters until it expires.
Jan 19, 2009 yodaofborg link
When I read my own posts, I come across as such a newb, I'm an intelligent guy, honestly!

Well, anyway, this topic came up again. so like yeah, I'll agree that /vote mute has some merit, but it is broken. Again - no names mentioned - a player has been excessively muted. Turns out this time it was a bug in the /vote mute system that does need addressing. Yes, votes that are recorded when the person is already mute _should not_ carry over to the next 24 hour period. With this bug being *in play* its possible to keep someone on the edge of a mute even while muted - this is wrong and needs fixing - and as the opener of the thread Inc. linked to, I felt the need to bump it :P
Jan 19, 2009 Aticephyr link
/ignore doesn't do it all yoda, and you know it. If a person is saying on 100 (spamming non-stop), "HEY, EVERYONE, LETS GO SPAM CHANNEL 911!!!" The EMS people should be able to attempt to mute the spammer. /Ignore fails since it doesn't keep the newbs from hearing. If there could be a /ignore that once enough people ignored, people who with low levels were GUI-prompted to ignore that person as well (with a pop-up saying: "X many advanced users have ignored player Y, would you like to hide the Y's chat as well? yes/no." then that would be okay. The thing is, the only weapon we have to stop those who are spamming recklessly is to mute them, since, as incarnate said, /ignore is not developed enough yet.

and yoda, in all honestly, our unnamed associate deserved it most of all in the recent days; he deserved it far less in the past.
Jan 19, 2009 JestatisBess link
Ok these are the changes i would recommend:

1. Make votes last 24 hours then expire.
2. Make sure that someone can only vote once for the same person in that 24 hour period.
3. Make sure no votes are counted when the person is already muted.
4. Give us an option to check the vote against someone without voting (/vote mute Jest yes/no)
5. Change it so that the muted person can contact buddies. The buddy should get an option to accept or decline the message
6. Continue to allow the muted person to talk in the bar. (I tried it when i was muted everyone ignores the bar)

I think thats it,

Jan 19, 2009 yodaofborg link
I also think that when somebody "starts" a vote mute, it should be displayed as a system message, like "yodaofborg has vote muted mecha, do you agree?"

I dunno, its what happens in other games I play...
Jan 19, 2009 blacknet link
At least add some way to check the vote count on a person with out having to vote. that alone will lead to way less votes.
Jan 19, 2009 JestatisBess link
yodaofborg: you mean in the log or on chan 100? I don't think /vote mute should be public. It is and should be logged though.