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TPG Raptor "Predator" varient

Mar 20, 2009 SuperMegaMynt link
Thank you for actually engaging in dialogue. Now I can show you were you err.

"As a hit-and-run, if you are aware of it, it can do little to you"

I will assert that this ship will be able to avoid any engagements that it wishes to, without exception. Combined with yours, we have a recipe for what was known in EVE as the "nano age". The Predator could have a slim, but notably real chance of killing people, through raids and probably geminis, while maintaining a perfect survivability record by keeping distance. Alone, it's terrible annoyance. In groups, these ships would be merciless. In fact, I'm simply waiting for the shit storm the Greyhound is about to unleash, once people figure out you can load Chaos Swarms on them.
Mar 20, 2009 zak.wilson link
k'metreq has already discovered that you can load Chaos Swarms on Greyhounds. He also discovered, rather amusingly that firing energy weapons while boosting and dropping mines in an FF-enabled sector isn't a good idea.
Mar 20, 2009 maq link
Tseng, acceleration can compensate for lack of spin torque.
I'm just saying this ship might end up being more useful in combat then you think.
Which isn't necessarily bad.
Mar 20, 2009 Tseng Toumoku link
Well, maq... as much as I try to look at it, I think that even if it could be "good" at combat, it would never be "great". As an interceptor, it has stats almost identical to the vultures, but it is far too large, meaning as a dog fighter, most people will always chose a vulture over it. Some recommend giving it four ports; but then, it becomes a hornet clone. Perhaps you may be more enlightened maq. Just as it is, I see this ship as incapable of conforming to standard, up-front pvp.

And SuperMegaMynt, I see your point, your fear of people spamming these ships out the ass. But without that infinite turbo, its just going to be another piece of scrap waiting to get gunned down (like the current variants). There was another post around here concerning a beam weapon that could take a ship out of turbo. Perhaps it could add more balance to the equation.

In all honesty, I've seen very little abuse provided by the Greyhound. It seems quite balanced. Then again, it is still early and I've been online only off and on this week due to exams.
Mar 20, 2009 maq link
Jeez, 'enlightened'?
I just think it'd not be entirely crappy combat ship.
It'd be able to dodge quite well, worse with aiming.

And i never said it'd be 'great'.