Forums » Suggestions

Trident Rental

Jan 29, 2010 ShankTank link
I didn't mean the player's own cargo, I meant the Trident's own cargo. This would make lugging a Trident along with you through grey a little more risky because pirates would have a reason to go hunting for them other than making a tiny dent in the other player's wallet.

- PCC Mission Editor additions: give-item-to-npc, park and drift
actions, gave-money-to-npc event.

-update from a while ago...
Jan 29, 2010 missioncreek2 link
Awesome! Hiring mercenary fighters should be possible through this mechanism too.
Jan 29, 2010 Spedy link
Awesome mission. I hope this or something like it makes it's way ingame.. rent a trident = almost as good as fly a trident
Jan 29, 2010 vIsitor link
If we ever get to lead these puppys around (maybe with a '/hail: goto system sector' type deal?) guilds could stage nation capwars on demand.
Jan 30, 2010 peytros link
i really like that you have to be out side the ship to lead it to different sectors hopefully that would cut down on abuse with sneaking into nation space or trading with impunity
Feb 01, 2010 rg10 link
Thanks for the input everyone.

Ok, I understand what you mean now Chaak, I put it in. I filled each one with an assortment of stuff I could envision a trident carrying as stock items, or items that would make its various components. Fresh flowers included. Should make a decent loot for a pirate.

There is some other stuff that needs to be figured out regarding exploits; like using this thing's gunner feature to kill non hostile npc's with impunity (like what peytros is alluding to).
Feb 03, 2010 Alloh link
So, maybe apply here same rules used for convoys:

Who shots (kills) any TRIDENT's friendly gets kicked out of docking bay on a space suit, your ship is lost, collateral lost, mission over.

Explain: Rent a Serco Trident. If, using its turrets, you hit/kill any serco ship (bots or players) you get flushed out. The player alignment is irrelevant here.
Feb 03, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Uh, if I rented it, I'm goddamn well better be allowed to do what I want with it.
Feb 04, 2010 missioncreek2 link
Has anyone tried this on the test serve to attack the turrets in latos I8? How does it fare?
Feb 04, 2010 skelbley08 link
Uhm... space suits?
Feb 04, 2010 peytros link
missioncreek a tridents shields can't stand up too turret fire. connie shields can't even stand up to prolonged turret fire.
Feb 04, 2010 rg10 link
Its a roll of the dice making it through the wh's in hostile sectors. Sometimes they don't. Didn't test them in I8.
Feb 04, 2010 vIsitor link
Uh, if I rented it, I'm goddamn well better be allowed to do what I want with it.

Uh, Lecter? You're a lawyer, right? Consider renting a Trident to have similar limitations to, say, renting a Car (well, more of a Tank, really, but thats not the point).

The point is that it isn't "yours" to do with as you please. Renting a Trident is more of a conditional lease, complete with a terms-of-use EULA and stuff like that.

Feb 04, 2010 Snax_28 link
Consider renting a Trident to have similar limitations to, say, renting a Car (well, more of a Tank, really, but thats not the point).

That's what the damage deposit is for. Tie any limitations into deductions from that, and then let the renter do what they like. If I go rent a car (or a tank, well maybe not a tank), I sure has hell can do whatever I like with it. I may end up buying the car in the end, but there's no artificial limitations to what I can do with it while it's in my possession.
Feb 04, 2010 Impavid link
That's what the extra 5 million up front is for
Feb 04, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
God I hate it when morons try to be cute.

vIsitor, if I rent a car, the only thing I have to pay for is damage done to the car. Hertz does not care if I take the car and use it to run down little old ladies in the crosswalk, or to rob a bank, just as long as I don't scratch the paint.
Feb 04, 2010 Snax_28 link
Let's hear it for redundancy!
Feb 04, 2010 vIsitor link
Then again, wouldn't the response to that sort of behavior be "and don't come back"? Just because you wind up paying for the damages doesn't mean that they're made of Tridents.
Feb 04, 2010 ladron link
Has anyone tried this on the test serve to attack the turrets in latos I8? How does it fare?

Its a roll of the dice making it through the wh's in hostile sectors. Sometimes they don't.

CHRN has exhaustive research files on this subject, if you'd like to buy them.
Feb 04, 2010 Person Made of Tridents link
Please... please *vomits samoflange uncontrollably* ki-*coughs up super gauss in a wet hack*-kill me. Kill me, please.