Forums » Suggestions

Distribution of goods...

Apr 19, 2011 ryan reign link
This has almost certainly been brought up before but its time to bring it up again. Currently, you can find nearly everything no matter what station you're at. Really this only makes sense for capitol stations and Corvus though, I suppose you could make an argument for the other Gray Space stations.

It would seem more logical if they were distributed a little more with different stations selling different ships, weapons and equipment. Station A might sell the Rag and the Hog MKII where as Station B might sell the Hog MKIII and the the Rag. Same for weapons and mining beams.

This especially holds true for the UIT. A loosely knit group of competing companies, that currently (a few things aside) sell the same products. Which is just about the worst business plan ever.

I understand that the research and development teams at The Propeller Group BioCom, Valent, Orion, Axia, Tunguska, Aeolus, Ineubis, Xang Xi have been on strike for years but come on, if all the stations continue to sell basically all the same gear, all these companies will fold, the Serco and Itani conflict will collapse into guys holding their breath and throwing rocks at each other in space and Corvus will go out of business because the black market will collapse!
Apr 19, 2011 pirren link
Hmm, but that's implemented with current types of station, e.g. Barracks for military equipment, commerce for trade, etc.
Apr 19, 2011 ryan reign link
Mining station, lots of weapons and combat ships


May 22, 2011 ryan reign link
Doesn't seem logical in the currant incarnation.
May 22, 2011 Keller link
It's okay to have sets of items available for each station type, however we should still define sources for each item. That way, a simple distance calculation between source and destination would suffice to provide an initial cost multiplier. Gray space is supposed to be dangerous, but it should also be quite expensive, since many things (excepting that stuff built at stations in gray) would otherwise have to be imported. Gray also tends to build a lot of specialty items and luxury items, making them very expensive (or lucrative depending on your point of view) to transport back to the various nation spaces.
May 23, 2011 Alloh link