Forums » Suggestions

/gunner dismiss

Feb 01, 2012 Conflict Diamond link
would it be possible to add a /gunner command that removes a gunner from a turret but does not eject them from the ship? If a gunner goes afk and the ship runs into hostiles, the remaining gunners could then bounce between turrets as needed to cover for the AWOL. (Court Marshall to follow)

Until such a time I suggest gunners vacate their turret if going afk.
Feb 01, 2012 TheRedSpy link
I was oping the devs had AI turrets planned so the pilot of a capship could turn on or off AI targeting and firing of turrets. Thus if you had a gunner in a position you could just turn the AI back on and it wouldn't matter what they did.

I still agree with CD's post but I just wanted to add that as an alternative/extra to how this issue could be overcome.
Feb 01, 2012 meridian link
It seems to be of limited use without the pilot being able to see who is in which turret. I suppose you are relying on other passengers to relay that information? (or at least to tell you that someone needs to be dismissed)

Hmm, I guess I'll still give it +1
Feb 01, 2012 Conflict Diamond link
AI turrets on player ships is a much larger and hotter debate, and I assume not a simple add, as AI on a player ship would need player direction in choosing targets. Let's not tangent off on that topic from this thread.

/gunner commands exist, as does the action of leaving a turret before launching, so it should be a simple matter to add a command that prompts the action.
Feb 02, 2012 Alloh link
Important... but either requires that Captain can see who is operating which turret, or another approach, as a pop-up confirmation.

First option would be improve the capships:

1. Turret list shows who is there and what is equiped. Even more, displays when gunner shoots. (active)

2. Internal ship comms, both voice channel and specific channel that everybody joins when dock to capship.
2.1. Simpler implementation: Make everybody docked to a player-piloted capship auto-join a GROUP while docked. Maybe a sort of sub-group, or 2nd group, that makes player remain in previous group, if any, but also join cappie's group.

3. /gunner demote $Player

As second option:
/gunner report
>displays a pop-up confirmation to every gunner present, or every docked player. Replies lists location as $Player@(Turret N or Docks).
/gunner demote $Player
Remove $player from turret, back to docking bays / own ship.
Feb 02, 2012 Conflict Diamond link
all it need be *for now* is /gunner dismiss "name", and maybe /gunner dismiss all, so "awake" players can hop right back in the turrets, while the afk ones are left poolside at the swim-up bar lounge on the Lido deck. /gunner kick works great to launch them from the ship. I just want an intermediate stage.

Yes, having a readout of who is in which turret would be great, as would be a "weapons hold" and "Weapons free" command for each, as would a readout for captain and crew alike to see what type turret is equipped at each position. The gravy request would be for the captain to assign specific gunners to specific turrets. The issue I am addressing as simply as I know how to request it, is just a way to avoid an afk gunner from leaving 1/4 of the turret coverage useless, without ejecting them into space.

As is it is now there is a standing order on The Compass Rose that if you need to go afk you leave the turret first.
Feb 03, 2012 raybondo link
The next update will add /gunner dismiss "name", lua function Gunner.Dismiss("name"), and a turrets tab in the Tactical menu of the capship owner's PDA where the owner can dismiss a player from a turret.

The turret list will also show what weapon is at that turret.
Feb 08, 2012 Conflict Diamond link

a few future improvements that could likely get added easily to the tactical tab:

add a "kick" button right next to the "dismiss" button for the selected turret gunner.

make a list of "off-duty" gunners below the turret list, with options to kick or assign to turret

show what ship each passenger docked with (maybe do this in the off-duty list?)

Not so easy: add "helm control" to the cappie owner's tactical tab, and allow the owner to assign and dismiss a helmsman. This wouldn't address full shared ownership, but at least a few people could have fun at the tiller...
Feb 08, 2012 abortretryfail link
Totally dig the weapon names on the turrets now. It works on NPC ships too!
Thanks Ray! :D