Forums » Suggestions

Android Virtual Keyboard: slash (/) key

Dec 26, 2013 draugath link
Please add a slash (/) key to the virtual keyboard on the alpha screen. Either next to the period (.) or on the top row with the tab and left/right arrows. The slash is probably the most important punctuation character since it's used as the escape character for commands, and really should be available on the alpha screen

I'm well aware that space is tight on many of the smaller screens. My phone has probably one of the lower resolutions available (960x540), but there is still plenty of room to squeeze one more key on the alpha screen of the keyboard.
Dec 26, 2013 Pizzasgood link
+1! Down with class inequality!
Dec 26, 2013 abortretryfail link
This has frustrated me so much when playing on Android...
Dec 27, 2013 incarnate link
Noted. This frustrates me too.

The top area of the in-game keyboard is intended for user-definable macro keys, which were never added, and would also make a lot of these issues less frustrating.
Dec 27, 2013 abortretryfail link
user definable macros would be cool
so would suggestions for game comamnds and player names like how the Android keyboard suggests word completions