Forums » Suggestions

Force Tridents to use a Trident Cell

May 27, 2015 greenwall link
@Gunners: Opinions and ulterior-motivated propaganda do not equate to facts. Even if a single TGFT player did exploit something, committing group attribution error knowingly and intentionally is inexcusable and childish (
May 27, 2015 DeathSpores link
i wonder when did vo stopped bein' a game? have ye guys invested too much of yer real life time buildin' those big toys?
May 27, 2015 Ore link
These forums are almost more entertaining than the game itself!!

It must suck to have to deal with all your exploits day after day. All these lua scripts and exploits result in lost hours for the devs who should be working on VO 2.0 instead of swimming laps from lunatics.

May 28, 2015 Pizzasgood link
Ore, do you simply not understand how ignorant statements like this make you seem? I get that you think plugins are bad for the game, but the way you go about protesting them is not conducive to achieving your goals. You just end up looking like one of those raving psychos who thinks the moon landing was fake and vaccines are bad and salt shouldn't be iodized. You're undermining your efforts by scaring away anybody who might have been a useful ally and creating a situation where only stupid people are willing to side with you. Then those idiots' presence just accelerates the effect, and it becomes very hard to recover.

The best way to get intelligent people to take you seriously is not to rant and rave and be ugly, but rather to be calm and rational. They want to hear arguments that actually make sense; arguments that are coherent and thorough. This is because intelligent people prefer to judge things for themselves, rather than to just side with whoever seems more passionate. Passion is fine, but it needs to be backed up by substance, not just be empty ranting.
May 28, 2015 Ore link
I'll decide what's conducive to achieving my goals.