Forums » Suggestions

A couple of suggestions...

May 19, 2015 Corvidae Hirodachi link
Brilliant and rewarding game! Kudos to the devs for their effort but could loot boxes be slightly easier to collect? Maybe increasing the range of how close by you need to be in order to pick them up. I found, as a new player, that the boxes were quite awkward to collect (especially when in a bot heavy zone!). Perhaps including a 'tractor beam' type of add-on that could do the collecting for you?
May 19, 2015 Sieger link
Welcome to VO and thanks for finding the way to the suggestions forum!

I've never had an issue with picking up cargo, but maybe that's because I play on PC. I assume you are a mobile player? Is the maneuvering into them that challenging?

Tractor beams have been suggested before. I'm not sure what the final result of the discussion about them was. But if we implement them as a small& large port version (the larger one having an extended range), I'll give it a +1!
May 19, 2015 RoboticMechanicalJeb link
Although, I'd prefer them naturally mounted on all ships (3 Built-in tractor beams for Behemoths)
May 21, 2015 Corvidae Hirodachi link
Nice idea! I've since found that playing in 1st person perspective has made navigation a lot easier also.
May 21, 2015 abortretryfail link
Yeah, first person makes it a lot easier.

The ship you start off with is pretty small too. It's easier to hit cargo crates with the bigger transports. It's also easier to hit cargo crates once you've logged a lot of flight time and have a good feel for where your ship is in space.

That said, -1 to tractor beams. Snapping up cargo in bot-infested areas without being killed is part of the challenge of the game.
May 21, 2015 J37T3R link
I say integrate a 15m tractor beam for targeted cargo on all ships. It can get a bit unnecessarily difficult on mobile to ram cargo crates, but I think keeping the range small is a good idea.
May 23, 2015 MatrixVirus link
Love the idea of tractor beams or other looting mechanic. +1