Forums » Suggestions

Critical functionality currently implemented by plugins

Jan 18, 2018 Pizzasgood link
Per Incarnate's request, here are what I consider the most critical bits of basic functionality provided by plugins, in descending order.

1) Announcements for when people enter and leave the sector (or dock/undock). In the most basic form, this is just a simple message like "Rin Ganborro entered sector" printed to either the chat or secondary message window (ideally there would be a setting the user can flip to select which one, as there are pros and cons to both). Some people like additional information like guild tag, ship, health, and faction, while others consider that stuff spammy, so options there would be nice as well. An example plugin is EnterLeave.

2) Quickly changing turrets. It sounds like you're already working on something that might negate this need, but for completion's sake (and in case that would take a lot longer to finish), a means of quickly switching between turrets like TurretHop provides is pretty important for effective turret use.

3) Automated navigation when the target's destination is seen. If your target jumps while close enough that you see their destination, it's essential to have the game automatically plot a course to that same sector so that you can quickly follow. This feature does not auto-jump; you still have to reach 3 km and press Activate yourself. An example implementation is the auto_nav module of the tcs-plugins.

4) Automated jettisoning. You can get fancy with white/black-lists, but simply auto-jettisoning everything would get the job done well enough. Example plugin is AutoJett.

5) Editing weapon groups outside of stations. The Weapon Group plugin is an example, but obviously you guys already have your own interface for this, which isn't accessible in space right now. Enabling that would be best, so that the experience is consistent.

6) Manufacturing assistance. Gonna be vague on this one, since I don't personally manufacture things, but I get the impression that this is something belonging on my list, so I'm including an entry here for completion's sake. You'll have to defer to people who actually know what they're talking about in determining what exact functionality is needed. Probably something like Manu.

There are a lot of other very handy plugins that I love, but these are the only ones that actually feel borderline unfair compared to stock.
Jan 18, 2018 PaKettle link
Jan 18, 2018 yodaofborg link
Id prefer things like targetless to remain a choice. I personally prefer VO's targeting system over targetless.

+1 to rins list though, with the addition of something like Droidbuttons. I mean, DB is far from perfect, and I am sure the devs could do better, but being able to customise the touch areas/hud is a must for mobile users.


DroidButtons gives mobile and touch screen users a way to customise the control layout. Lets users add new buttons, move the default touch areas and even remove the default UI all together.
Jan 18, 2018 incarnate link
If you want to respond on the thread, please read my actual request, or at least the cliff's notes below:

1) You must stick to simply explainable functionality, not just reference a giant plugin suite that does 50 things, or the "name" of a plugin: you must explain exactly how it works.

2) You only have two sentences to describe each item of functionality. If you need more than two sentences, then you probably need to simplify your approach and distill the critical functionality further.

3) Limit yourself to less than 10 specific suggestion items in a given post. Each should link to the actual plugin URL, so we can see the functionality for ourselves.

4) Don't debate what other people post. I'm interested in feedback from a bunch of different people on what they consider critical, and that may depend on play-style and other factors. This thread should really just be a list of top-lists. Generally, anything we integrate will be "optional", so I don't consider debate to be strongly needed.

In other words, don't just say "targetless", that is unhelpful. If you want to know why, go read the other post I wrote.

This is one of those threads where the signal-to-noise ratio is critical. It's only really useful to me if people can stick to the rules. As soon as people start blathering and cluttering things up with debates, this whole thread can easily become insanely long and unreadable.

So, really, what are the absolutely top, most-critical (and simple to describe) plugin-based "features" that you would be really reluctant to play Vendetta Online without? Rank in order of importance if possible (#1 being most important).
Jan 18, 2018 -Wash- link
#1 - A target list display on screen, select target by number, toggle npc on /off, toggle group memebrs on/off,
sort by distance or faction. Display on/off option.

#2 - Custom buttons on touch screen. create button and apply /command or alias to it.

#3 - Scanned asteroid data base. Easy UI short cut. Sort by System or ore type high percentage to low.

#4 - Commodity Tracker - Tracks items for sale at visited stations. Access via shortcut command. Search by item display last known buy/sell price.

#5 - Turret access short cuts. Allow fast access to turrets via bound key comands.
Jan 18, 2018 The_Catman link
Agree 100% with Wash's list,

but would also add the autojetting of ore when mining, autoplot of target jump, and enter/leave as described by Nyscersul.
Jan 18, 2018 Roda Slane link
Enter/leave : Notifies the player when other players or NPC enter or leave the sector.
+ options: [ npc | player [ off | audible | visual | on [ enter | exit | dock | undock ] ] ]
++ while retaining/integrating the current in game proximity alert options.
+ example plugin: enterleave

Multiple target reticle: Adds separate target reticle for each unique weapon velocity you have mounted.
+ example plugin: multiaim

Navigation follows target: When your target jumps, and you see where to, and you do not have any navigation set, set your navigation to where they jumped to.
+ Example: ? auto_nav module of the tcs-plugins.

Add options to current sector list:
+on/off checkbox per item: Players, npc, cargo (, asteroids ?).
+ example plugin: CargoFind, cargolist, cargolist redux (remake)
Jan 18, 2018 Luxen link
Yeah, i can only think of two that i couldnt live without (the second on mobile only, anyways), and thats the first two on Wash's list.
Jan 18, 2018 Lord~spidey link

and my hax!
Jan 18, 2018 meridian link
1) Enter/Leave - Prints message containing name, ship, health of any player in-range anytime they enter or leave the current sector.

2) Targetless - Displays a list players and/or NPCs in radar range with health and distance. Sortable by health/distance/hostility and use hotkeys to select or cycle.

3) Turbo Lock (alias I use, plugins exist) - Press key to toggle turbo on/off. I use tab for "turbo only while pressed" and "\" to toggle turbo lock.

4) Sound Alert Suite - Plays sounds for various triggers/events. Critical triggers: Receive PM, group/guild chat, mission updated, receive money, receive buddy request.

5) ClickCommander - Bind multiple commands to single key: one for single click, double-click, pressed and held, etc. Good for HOTAS type setup with limited buttons.

6) Targetless - Save database of roids scanned saving ore percentage and add custom notes. Summary list of scanned roids in current sector and roids in radar range displayed on hud.

7) Trigger Colors - Changes highlight around HUD weapon icon depending on trigger, or multi-color if combination. Critical for seeing which trigger ammo-based weapon is bound to when multiple of same weapon.

8) WeaponSafe - Removes weapons from all active triggers to prevent accidental fire. Clunky implementation sets any weapon to a group 6 trigger, switches to group 6, removes all weapons from all group 6 triggers.
Jan 19, 2018 Inevitable link
The biggest improvement to the UI would be showing ships that are in range where you could assign a key to target each one without having to go through any other screens to target them. Aka: Targetless
Jan 19, 2018 draugath link
HUD UI Modularity
The ability to move or reorganize elements on the HUD. Allows people to place key information where they feel they will get the most benefit from it.
HUD Element Mover
Prototype MDI HUD
Jan 19, 2018 yodaofborg link
Sorry if I am posting twice, but since a lot of the above has been added, it made me realise I missed probably the only plugin-type that I actually need.

Makefriends - part of the TCS suite: Lets players customise the radar blobs, and hostility of players/ai. Can be done by Players/Faction/AI Type/Conq assets etc, and it really has been a long time coming for this sucker to be built in. Hope I did not miss the boat with the above!
Jan 19, 2018 Nyscersul link
*SENSOR LIST ON HUD - A simpe distance sorted list on the right below the target info box, but have it simple as sorted into ed and green, so kinda two adjacent lists, and then have those two sorted by distance. I think having the green /red is gonna particularly useful to new players...

*MORE CONTROL OVER HOSTILITY SETTINGS - makefriend - a small menu offering the ability to do designateenemy (or friendly) based on faction / guild / pvp or pve and maybe a few options like auto designateenemy when shot. (its important to be able to toggle this on and off too.

I agree yoda - i actually stripped out a version of makefriends from tcs...

It still has architecture from tcs but im lazy hehe

Mssage me if you want a copy.

But... some of these options here are unusual suggestions, only relevant to a few...

ClickCommander for instance - this functionality would confuse most new players far too much.

And in response to wash's list, i also agree, but for the touchscreen button (droidbuttons equivalent) it is also VERY important to be able to access the fields and acclerometer settings, as well as being able to potentially change the "touch to target" behaviour.
Jan 19, 2018 PaKettle link
Better tools to customize the radar displays - Make friends isn't a bad solution but takes a lot of time to add and delete everything - a more auto mated method that adds anyone that kills you and deletes anyone not seen in a time period would be good.

BTW - some of this should simply ship with the game as a default plug in so that they can readily be removed for the purists among us. (Most Authors would be happy to sign their rights over in exchange for inclusion.) Otherwise so sort of off switch needs to be included.
Jan 19, 2018 Luxen link
PaKettle, i imagine that if a plugin shipped with the game then people would blame GS when those plugins break, before they know anything about VO itself.
Jan 20, 2018 Savet link
When we did this over a year ago I made the following suggestions which still stand:


1. Sector list of ships in sector, similar to the functionality provided by targetless. HUD should provide a list of 10 closest ships which should toggle between all, npc, pc, and none using the - key and numeric targeting using the 1-0 keys to target these 10 closest displayed entities as provided by targetless. Mobile users should be able to touch an entry on the list and target the entity. Options menu should allow the user to define default behavior of which list to show on game start.

Reason: This is necessary for quickly targeting close targets in group combat or solo-flight scenarios for defense or offense.

2. Notification to chat or HUD when a player enters or leaves sector similar to AlertMachine. Options menu should allow player to choose whether it populates to chat, HUD, or is disabled.

Reason: This is necessary for awareness of changes to sector allies or antagonists.

3. Auto-follow which plots a jump point for a person you are targeting that jumps within the 1000m limit similar to Autonav. Options menu should allow the player to enable or disable this feature.

Reason: This is necessary for escorting allies or chasing enemies.
Jan 21, 2018 Luxen link
Savet, 2 and 3 were added. I feel #1 woukd create too much clutter - that device is their window into vo, and smaller devices aint gonna display a list without covering up a bunch
Jan 21, 2018 draugath link
A lot of people have requested some sort of on-screen target list with quick targeting ability. Targetless is the obvious high-profile suggestion since it's been around the longest. However, as -Wash- suggested, there is a lightweight alternative that may fit the bill much more simply.

MDI Targetlist was designed to be a lightweight alternative to Targetless. -Wash- linked to the VOUPR download, but the BitBucket repo linked here has a few more features. The only thing it is missing is touch access for the list.
Jan 21, 2018 Ore link
TargetBinds - prints target information including sensor addons to group or guild for better team play awareness.

Harkin had made a version that if you had a roid scanner/cargo scanner/addon scanner would print the relevant information to the group/guild.

Also this would quickly give local standing of target ship.