Forums » Suggestions

Itani test pilot mission

Mar 10, 2022 tjgaming8324 link
I noticed even after doing the itani test pilot mission - we can't get the X1 since it needs +800 standings with itan & other faction players can only get +600 tops.

Maybe make it so once you pass the mission, required standings are +600 so we can actually get the ship & other faction players can buy 1 Valk X1 after the mission (since it's a special itan exclusive ship) & if you blow up that X1, you need to redo the test pilot mission tree to get it back. You can do the mission once per 72 hours and can only show up when the previous X1 is destroyed. (72 hours count down starts when your X1 is destroyed)

It can be done as many times as you want.

Or if we wanna keep it itan only ship -
Make it so mission rewards something special instead of just credits & xp that you get when doing any mission. I'd be happy even if it's a cosmetic item like a camo for centurion (since it's itani model according to ship description)

Do the same with tpg test pilot mission

And if possible also introduce a serco test pilot mission or something which allows other faction players to be able to get skyprom.

& since itan & serco are at war - make it so to take the test pilot mission - you must have +600 with that faction.

Hopefully I was able to explain my idea properly......
Mar 10, 2022 SIGTERM link
-1. There is a reason why people were able to get enemy faction ships and why +600 limit was introduced. Your suggestion asks to revert that change. It is also inconsistent lore wise.
Mar 10, 2022 Sid123 link
So remove the Itani Test Pilot for non-Itani then. Or, as tj said, give it some other reward. Having the mission available when you can't get the ship doesn't make sense.
Mar 10, 2022 DeathSpores link
Just add Standing requirement above 600 to unlock the mission.
Mar 10, 2022 tjgaming8324 link
Sigterm my main point is mission should reward something for doing it. Currently it's kinda time waste to do so....
Mar 11, 2022 incarnate link
Yeah, we should probably just adjust the requirements of that mission to be +800.