Forums » Suggestions

Hud on smartphones

Mar 22, 2022 tjgaming8324 link
As a mobile player I'd like to be able to resize & possibly reposition hud elements for a more comfortable playing experience. Mainly the chat box.

On my chat box, I'm having some DB fields & buttons set because I prefer them at that specific location for a more comfortable fighting experience but because of that I'm nearly unable to read the chat while flying. I'd like to be able to resize it & put it on a different location so that I can also read the chat while having all buttons on a comfortable position since on mobile phones specifically, we have a very limited screen space where we have to fit everything.

& yes this is a VERY Annoying problem I've been having since I started focusing more on pvp. Not to mention that I will sometimes accidentally click on chat box which fighting & that gets me killed every time because as soon as I click on chat box, keyboard will pop up & I don't have access to my controls....

If possible please do this change for mobile platform. Thanks
Mar 22, 2022 Sid123 link
+1 to a chatbox resize ability. It's pretty bad to open your keyboard by mistake when you're in the middle of combat.