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Capships fleet and turrets usage scenarios

Oct 30, 2022 DeathSpores link
Currently capship owners can fly a fleet of capships: two at least if they possess a goliath and a trident.
The owner of the fleet can order both capships to attack a target remotly with the /msg capship commands, however capships will only use their main gun.
The activate turret does not work remotely so you can only have one ship using its turrets when the second will only use its main gun.
It used to be possible to have turrets bots plugin with remote control to call and pick targets, but this option is no longer working.

You can also go the collaborative way with hiring some new players to populate the turrets. Then the fleet owner faces two problems
Case 1, you hire newbs as gunners at a station:
advantage: they don't waste you cargo space with their crappy ships.
inconvenient: they may fire at the wrong target and that can cost you your fleet especially in a NFZ.
Case 2, you hire player as gunners with rendez-vous in space.
Advantage they wont fire the turret guns in NFZ
Inconvenient they will be wasting your cargo space with their filthy ships. It would also limit the amount of gunners available as one or two extra ships may only dock with you.

Here below some possible Feature / Scenario to enhance Fleet usage:

Scenario 0: Player run Fleet of capships is not a feature but an unwanted flaw of current design.
Solution remove the capability to undock a capship when there is already one undocked.

Scenario 2: Solo control of the fleet
enhanced the activate turret command to make it work from outside the ship with the /msg capship command

Scenario 3: enhance collaborative fleet operation
-add a simple command to msg capship interface to lock/unlock weapons so the new gunner players wont be able to shoot anything
-add a way/command to call target by name, faction, guild, group to control the fire of the gunners: if the gunner targets a non called target he will not be able to fire and will get a hull message.
-add a command fire at will to allow shooting at any target
-add the possibility to message all owned capships with a single message to transmit the fleet command
Oct 30, 2022 Aryko link
Could you add a TLDR, or break the post into smaller posts in the same suggestion, since these are clearly inter related
Oct 30, 2022 Luxen link
I'm not sure that's neccesary, Aryko, as his suggestion is a well written single idea covering multiple scenarios.

To the suggestion itself, i'd consider that locking/unlocking turret access would be welcome, but forcing target designation sounds overly complex, and at this point the pilots you hire should be given a little more degree of trust. If they aren't capable of selecting appropriate targets you're calling out to them, then perhaps they're too new for you to be hiring in the first place.

Personally, i'd like a 'group ping target' feature instead, which allows a pilot to visually highlite a specific target to their group members. Using this would help others pick out a focus target more easily. Oh, but I'm NOT asking for that damn awful chat spam plugin, though >.> I'm talking about in-space highliting, and perhaps on the sensor log too. Well, thats a seperate suggestion, just that it would help in this case. I'll go make it later.
Oct 30, 2022 aaronund link
Even though personally I'm not keen on capships. I do like scenario 3 controlling a capship should be a bit more "Star Trek" with captains having a host of options for control over specific funtions. Being able to designate targets, unpower weapons and even mark specific targets as people who can't be targeted by gunners at all would be nice additions. This is a really good suggestion. +1

I also like how to effectively use a spare capship to its full capability at the moment you need gunners. Anything that makes it worthwhile to have a real player in a turret would be very cool.