Forums » Suggestions

Licenses and License Tests

Oct 01, 2004 thurisaz link
...another thoroughly wacky idea brought to you by thurisaz:

Imagine that you take a mission called "Commerce License Test, level 1", that said "Okay, pilot, we need you to move 45 crates of ferric ore from Verasi Mining Station X to Arta Caelestis Manufacturing Station Y. Once you have completed this task, you will be rewarded with a shiny new Commerce Level 1 License."

--i.e., reduce the xp requirements for each license level by a significant amount (or do away with them), but turn the license test mission from a "take cash, give lvl" deal to a true ordeal that would dearly test a pilot's skills

Now, lvl 1 commerce might require you to move 45 widgets across a few systems... lvl 10 might have you move 1,000 halfway across the entire galaxy. Likewise, lvl 1 combat might have you kill a moderate number of collectors, while lvl 10 might make you take on a veritable army of skilled assault bots.

*this would solve several problems:

-most important, it would help ease the trade vs. combat xp issue, especially if commerce licenses had VERY DRASTICALLY reduced xp requirements

-it would minimize the sense of "okay, so what do I do NOW??" that might confuse or turn off new players

-it would create a more far-reaching goal for players to work towards, beyond just finishing the very short-term missions we have now. Of course, these license tests would NEED to persist between logouts (and save progress!!)

-it would separate skills-based missions and plot-based missions, if we migrate the one-off type we have now to address storyline goals

-it would mesh better with a role-playing environment if the test you must complete is a tangible thing, rather than money in=> license out

*possible negatives:

-it would erode the sense of free-form play that has existed up to now, by dictating a strict course of action that must be followed to advance in level

-it would require development effort to implement these tests, and player effort to fine-tune the requirements for each test

-it would be a radical departure from the system we have now, and one which may not mesh with player opinion or the game's design goals

comments?? questions??
Oct 01, 2004 andreas link
What I like about this proposal that you can solicit the help of other players to get your license, especially at higher levels. Thats a good idea and helps RPing.
Oct 01, 2004 Orion_Prime link
I think you are misinterpretting the word "test."

Now I'm new to the game, but the way I see it, the "test" is more like a written test than a flying test. IE you go, you py an application fee, and because you have gotten so much experience out there, you are able to pass it.

Thus, the fact that it takes experience in order to take these tests REPRESENTS exactly what you are suggesting. Only, instead of wasting time on one mission to do this, you are doing other missions and making money and gaining real playing experience while completing your "skills test" at the same time.

Don't forget, you have to have these skills in order to gain the experience required for the license tests in the first place. So testing them furthur would only be monotonous, tedious, and annoying.

Personally, I think the system is great! It offers players a chance to center on skills that they enjoy rather then the skills that are easiest to achieve.
Oct 01, 2004 roguelazer link
I like this idea...
Oct 01, 2004 thurisaz link
again, just to reiterate a point I made above, Orion_Prime:

these new license tests would come with VERY large reductions in the amount of xp you would need in order to be eligible to take it. My idea is, maybe just enough that you can get the hang of whatever task the tests involve..
Oct 01, 2004 zamzx zik link
and to have to pay more money.
Oct 01, 2004 Orion_Prime link
I understood the point, but I think you are missing mine:

Basically, becasue we gain experience now, the "skills test" you are describing already takes place.

However, the way it is now gives us an advatage: Your method means less XP for a licene tet, but once you are ready you have to spend a lot of time doing one mission.

The way it is now: You still do the same sorts of things, however you are making money and reputation independantly by completing separate missions. Thus, in order to "save your progress" you gain XP rather than doing this all in one big mission.