Forums » Suggestions

More ship info on HUD

Oct 07, 2004 Dukar link
I would like to see more ship info on the hud, like ship type, hull strength, if a player, some stats such as 0/0//0/0 so you would know what lvl of a player u might b going against.
Oct 07, 2004 Spellcast link
i think this is a bad idea, if you are new you dont want the griefers knowing you are an easy target.
Oct 07, 2004 Suricata link
See my 'suggestions for ship interface' thread Dukar,

I'm trying to go over stuff like this there :-)

Also, you can see a targets stats by pressing 'k' when they are targetted :-)
Oct 07, 2004 Dukar link
thanx Suricata, I just started a few days ago, I'm not familiar with all the bots and ppl yet, it would b nice to know what your about to engage.