Forums » Suggestions


Oct 10, 2004 sloanesky link
Will there ever be a bank like system? So guilds could save up for capitol ships, or people could put money in to get interest or something?

Will you be able to maybe bet on duels sometime in the future? Maybe some form of Arena where something like this could take place?

Maybe there could be a stock market? And what players do could influence it. If there was a large war and the Serco won, all of their stocks would jump up, while whoever they fought, lets say the Itani, their stocks would fall.

Will there be a better system for to get rid of cargo during space? Today I was hunting for scrap metal, and they kept dropping ore. To get rid of the ore, I had to jettison all of my cargo and then hunt around until I figured out which ones were scrap metal and take those. Maybe you could click on the cargo you want to jettison? And only that cargo would fly out?
And "j" could be just a dump all cargo button.

Maybe there could be a way you could duel your own faction without facing standing loss? There could be in faction duels where as soon as someone got to a certain point for health, the duel would end, the person would not die, and would not have to buy back their ship.

Most of these were collected in 100 general chat...Wheee!
Thats all...for now....>:D
Oct 10, 2004 roguelazer link
The stock market idea doesn't make much sense in a first-person combat-oriented MMORPG.
Oct 20, 2004 Screwball link
I second the partial-jettison idea. I would really like to be able to select which cargo gets jettisoned rather than all.

It would be useful for trading in open space as well as when you are on a mission to collect a certain type of cargo from bots and accidentally get some of the wrong type in your hold.