Forums » Suggestions

Chained / alternate fire mode

Nov 13, 2004 deque link
I would _love_ to see more depth in the weapon grouping / fire mode area. What I am missing specifically is "chained /alternate fire mode" from the old tie figther and X-wing games. OOn ships with more than one cannon, having the ability to have them fire through in a certain order would be really handy. Like having a pair of cannons that fired alternately rather than together. This was a useful mode in dogfighting because it helped conserve power a little bit, simulated a higher rate of fire, and seemed to make my % hit better. The chained mode was good for delivering as much damage as quickly as possible, especially against large targets, like cap ships. This would be a really nice feature to add...
Nov 13, 2004 Soltis link
Nov 13, 2004 roguelazer link
Thirded. I backed this same proposal more than a year ago. I think it was Arolte that put it forth back then, but I might be wrong.
Nov 15, 2004 bobzrkr link
Fourthed, this really should be in there. You can kinda of simulate by having one weapon group fire both, and another firing only one gun. If you switch between the two you can get it to stagger fire.
Nov 15, 2004 simondearsley link
I completely agree.

ATM I usually have the left port bound to my left mouse button and the right port bound to my right mouse button. If I fire at slightly different times, I get the desired effect. The only problem is that in a close knife fight, this systems doesn't work as well as I would like, so I have to switch back to one trigger only.
Feb 14, 2006 Shapenaji link
Since this seems to be the thread at bar in the list of DOOM.

I figured I'd add a good way to get chainfire.

Bind your primary wep group to both weapons
Bind your secondary wep group to just your right or left wep.

then tap secondary and hold primary, perfect chainfire, every time.

/Thread Necromancy!
Feb 14, 2006 johnhawl218 link
actually, you don't even need to tap the secondary, if you time it right all you have to do is initiate it with the secondary fire, and then hold your primary and it will chain fire till you run out of energy or let go of the button. Great trick though!!
Feb 14, 2006 KixKizzle link
Or you just get two weapons that have different firing rates.
Feb 14, 2006 johnhawl218 link
that's diff Kix, this is a way to chain the _same_ weapon.
Feb 14, 2006 Cunjo link
Ahh! Bad necromancer! no bodies for you!

I use a bind and a pair of aliases to alternate between fire modes... and I use one blaster in primary and the other in secondary to chainfire - click and hold both.

the bind for it is in the binds thread (which I'm too f'ing lazy to find) although while it does toggle weapon groups, it doesn't change the aiming reticle lead as promised (maybe it does in the new client? haven't tried....)

I'll often put one energy weapon on primary, and a pair of energy or ordinance weapons on secondary, then have it switch fire modes to chainfiring the original secondary weapons on primary and secondary, with the original primary on tertiary... works GREAT for neut/flare, agt/flare, gauss/jack, mposi/neut, layouts.
Feb 14, 2006 Beolach link
Dual XGX or Sparrows on FC batt == alternate fire energy spam.
Feb 14, 2006 KixKizzle link
That's a retarded layout Beolach :)
Feb 14, 2006 Beolach link
A solo ship like that, yeah, but in a big group of several ships w/ that loadout... they're ultralight, so they can dodge just about anything you throw at them; the XGX & Sparrow blasters are easy to dodge, but if there's a lot of crossfire from multiple ships, it gets a lot harder... and they can keep firing for FOREVER.

Next time somebody makes a video, they ought to put in a scene w/ like 4 or more Sparrow/XGX IBG/Rev. C Cents swarming a Prom. /me thinks it would look cool, lots of pretty crossfire...
Feb 15, 2006 Cunjo link
prom would die fast... XGX Rev Cs aren't pushovers.

Whoever says they can't hit anything is dead wrong too. The Phasers are so light that the ships have no trouble outdodging their Neutron counterparts, and as beolach said, they can fire FOREVER. I've used them on many occasions, and they are LETHAL against heavier ships, such as ragnaroks (MGCs and missile spammers beware!)

I use XGX because they have higher power than Sparrows, though the Sparrows would be better for prolonged light-light combat
Feb 18, 2006 Fnugget link
I think the original complaint was not just about 2 port chain fire. of course, only me (ViciousNanite, yes, i'm still lurking around) and 1 other person from TGFT have been using a 4 fire chain (or at least, when i last checked). a swarm of XGX Rev C's? please... imagine a swarm of quad flare hornets with quad chain.
Feb 19, 2006 Beolach link
Only scary until they run out of ammo.
Feb 20, 2006 Cunjo link
lol, what Beolach said.