Forums » Suggestions

Gravity Wells

Feb 26, 2005 tramshed link
screw physics, its a video game.
Feb 26, 2005 KixKizzle link
Wow nice post Q.
But I have to agree with tramshed here.
*Quotes nike commercial. . . . "JUST DO IT!"

Oh yeah if the devs are gonna do that E slot thing i would much rather see this as an E slot weapon but NOT available to everyone. Otherwise a group of players could effectively ambush players..... Ok scratch that. It can be available to anyone :)

/givemoney Devs 2c
Feb 27, 2005 SideSwipe link
How about something like in Star Wars? If you read the Star Wars novels there are these ships called Interdictor Cruisers. The interdictors create a gravity well, simulating a planet. As a vessel passes through in hyperspace, it thinks it's going to crash into a planet because of the gravity well and drop back into normal space.

You could have a few limited supplies of gravity wells(so it isn't abused). Plant them in trade routes and ambush ships as they pass through a sector in a jump and promptly drop out before their destination.
Feb 27, 2005 softy2 link
Fnugget/Person :

Event Horizons do not always exist for all energy-mass concentration : my body does not generate an EH for example. A blackhole is one such energy-mass concentration which curve spacetime sufficiently to create one. Also : passing through an event horizon do not have to destroy the ship; one can happily fly through the event horizon without feeling any pain (it depends on the gravity/curvature gradient, not absolute curvature), although an observer outside will never see that intreprid spaceship going through it due to redshifting.

Shape : You would still need some form of exotic matter to construct stable traversable wormholes, but matter none-theless. (Specifically, you need one whose pressure over density ratio is less than -1.)

Besides, any talk of using Einsteinian gravity in this game is moot : in general relativity, like special relativity, the concept of simultaneity is non-existent, unlike the game.

Like good whores, the game just have to fake it. I agree with Tram, screw physics, it's a video game.
Mar 01, 2005 LeberMac link
I'm with tramshed on this one. Just make cool stuff that works in the game and forget about making everything follow the laws of physics exactly. Hell our fastest ships can't even break the SOUND barrier if you do the math. (Yes I know there is no sound in space, how come we go "boom" when we explode?)

This gravity well mine idea is promising and might even be easy to implement. What the heck is taking Guild Software so long to make these, you'd think they were working on some big Capital ship project or something...
Oct 20, 2006 slime73 link

This idea was brought up in Guild chat recently...I really like it!