Forums » Suggestions

Make more medals to get...

Mar 25, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: Beolach

> I only meant to keep it from being so quite so cluttered - there would still be
> the same number of medals earned, they just wouldn't all be shown.

Reducing clutter does seem a good suggestion; in that case, why not add minimized versions of the icons for the medals at the top of the "Char Info" screen, on the right side of the rows for the words "Alignment:" and "Accomplishments:"

There is currently a lot of empty space there, and seeing minimized versions of the medals there (in additon to the regular versions below the left side of the character statistics) would eliminate the need to keep scrolling down every time one wants to check one's medals.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier