Forums » Suggestions


Mar 25, 2005 sissoko link
This tournament idea has got me all fuzzed up and I almost can’t sit still, and I’m randomly giggling cause it’s so good. (hmm early signs of an addiction to VO)

Well it all started today on ch 100 when we talked about the funniest reply from a NPC. Many were funny but one was “who ordered pizza!” when I had logged that thought came into my mind, and I was thinking it would be cool if two players could duel for that pizza as a reward. Hmm more thinking… Then duel bots came up in my mind.

These bots are a new class of NPCs. More like missionbots, like the marshals in capitols. But their appearance would be as normal robots, oruns denteks or artemis collectors. It is strange that all robots in VO is infested with evil AI and are enemies all over the universe as we know it. We need some way of adding friendly bots around stations besides defbots and trader npcs. This would introduce friendly bots into the game in a good manner. The purpose of these bots is to provide players with different tournaments and mini games based on the already existing content in Vendetta, and would also add new content, which is not in any way related to the serco/itani conflict (yay UIT’s)
They can be in stationsectors but also in sectors throughout the different systems. Imagine sectors with one tournament bot and one or two defbots for protection and to keep the sector clean of other nasty bots, both in empty sectors and in roidfields for more challenging tournaments. More on that later…
The difficulty of these tournaments/games would vary from system to system with easy ones in capitol systems and more challenging ones in gray space and very hard ones in pirate controlled space

If u saw a duelbot you would want to hail it and as a response it should inform you of his services. Like the marshal. Maybe like this: “hi I’m tournament bot 94588-X2. Would you like to hear about my tournament(s). /Msg tournament for more info”

When you create a tournament you become TM = tournament master

Now to different tournaments:

Duel Tournament: simple tournament where one challenge another players for a low fee/prize. It is also possible for TM’s to challenge multiple players, up to 3
Award: winner gets all fees payed in the duel and a decent combat bonus depending on the number of players in the duel. 200/350/500 combat xp for 1/2/3 duellists if the winner is the TM. If another duellist kills the TM he gets all prizemoney and a combat bonus of 200xp. And the looser don’t loose anything besides their money. No xp loss on the easier tournaments but maybe an idea for the high end tournaments (a form of gambling)

The idea is to have different duelbots with different fees like 1k/5k/15/25k/50k and a rare tournament bot offering duels @ 100k entry fee

The other tournament idea that popped up was more like um… A larger tournament. The starting point is the group feature. You can have a max number of 8 in each group. To start a large tournament you need at least 8 players and that can be multiplied into 8/16/32 players. Please follow me here. The player creating the tournament becomes TM and is first in the group then he can invite other players into the tournament and they accept and pay the entry fee. When the group is full the duel are already organized as the order in the group 1vs2, 3vs4, 5vs6 and 7vs8. The winner of each duel stays the looser is out of the tournament. The winners meet, 1vs3 and 5vs7, and in the final its 3vs5. That way we always have even numbers so that a winner can be declared fair and just.
There is also an option to link different groups of 8 and thus have tournaments of 8 16 and 32 players. This is a great thing for guilds and guildvsguild to measure their skills against eachother. If it is possible to create larger groups that is also an option here but since the HUD is difficult to change this is a system that works in the current version of vendetta

Then is the question of how to heal between duels. Well I have a solution to that too. And it was an eyeopener!! Lets have repair/mechanics/nanobots/(insert name here) (maybe oruns or artemis) flying close to the tournament bot they are equipped with wait! Instead of ion cannons, REPAIR GUNS. And the way they work is that u can hail them after a duel and they fly towards you and start shooting/healing at you just like normal and when u are done u can shoot the bot to dispose of it and a new one will warp into the sector or /msg repairbot quit repair. That way you don’t have to enter a station to heal. Only members of a tournament can use this repair function. (sidenote: repairbots is also possible to repair the hive and other evil things to come, which makes for more tactic in large groups hunting hives)
Other players (not in tournament) that hails it will not get a response and if they kill it they will loose standing and defbots may be ordered to chase the player the same goes for players interrupting in tournaments. Defbots will chase them as will likely the other players already out of the tournament if a disturber/griefer/whiner/*insert namecalling here* comes by.

The reward for these tournaments would be like 800/1600/1600 for combat/lw/hw for 8 player tournaments and 1600/3200/3200 and 3200/6400/6400 for 16 and 32 player tournaments.
As you can probably see I have just given each player in the tournament a worth of 100/200/200 and that sums up in these numbers so no use in hanging me for these numbers

Then I thought of tournament options that were non PVP. For all of us who are not especially fond of hanging out in b8 and shoot on everything that moves, and never will trigger a bounty.

The Tournament QUEEN!!

This is a possibility to use a queen with no rogue AI ;) strange we don’t see any friendly queens near stations/capitols. I was like: hmm those could be useful.

Imagine a queen in Dau L-10 humming along peacefully with her hivebots buzzing around her. You need to hail the overseer to make sure u don’t disturb the queens important production of bots and refining of ores.

A mining tournament

The overseer you just hailed to become the TM has just given you and all your competitors a list of ores to bring back to the queen to complete the tournament. The list has different amounts of each type of ore to mine and bring back. First player to have a complete list wins and take all the prize money and a nice mining bonus

The designated search area is a depending on difficulty 1/2/4/6-8 sectors which in one or another way has all the known ores in the universe. The list as well is depending on the difficulty wit common ores in the easier tournaments and rare ores in advanced tournaments

The awards here are as follows: you take the normal xp value for each ore and x10 and double it for every tenth unit of that ore, and voila you get a nice reward based on your current tournament prospecting list. So ferric is 60xp for ten units and 120 for twenty, 240 for thirty and helio is 200/400/800.
And no, i havnt solved the problem of hot rocks.

Well that was all for now…

I have more tournament ideas coming (botting tournament) so ill post them too. Enjoy and make suggestions and improvements to these ideas

- dani ei -
Mar 26, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: sissoko

> A mining tournament

> The overseer you just hailed to become the TM has just given you and all your
> competitors a list of ores to bring back to the queen to complete the
> tournament. The list has different amounts of each type of ore to mine and
> bring back. First player to have a complete list wins and take all the prize money
> and a nice mining bonus

In addition to the mining tournament, how about a trading tournament as well? I am very much in favor of more PvE content, and think that more tournaments of this nature would be a great idea.

The idea would be as follows:

The overseer you have just hailed to become the TM has given you and all of your competitors a list of rare trade items to bring back to the Hive Queen to complete the tournament. The list has different amounts of each type of rare trade item to find and bring back. The first player to bring back a complete list wins, and takes all the prize credits and a large trading bonus.

The size and destination of the designated search area could depend on difficulty level. For example, for level one, the trade items could be found at some stations in the same system. For level two, they could be found at stations at neighoring systems. For level three, they could be found at stations farther away. For higher levels, they could be found only at distant neutral space stations, and so forth.

The rewards could be as follows: Take the regular trading and commerce experience value for each trade item, multiply it by ten, and double that reward by two for every extra ten units of that trade item, and, voilŕ, you have a large reward based on the difficulty level of your current tournament trading list. For example, if you normally earned x trading and commerce experience points for item A in a regular trade, you would earn 10x points for that item by bringing it back to the overseer, and would earn 100x point for bringing back ten of those items. For twenty items, you would earn 200x points, and for thirty items, you would earn 400x points.

Also, the credit rewards could be double those for comparable trading guild bulk procurement missions. In addition, there could be a time bonus--twice that for a comparable timed trading guild mission--if the winner of the tournament completed the mission within a comparable time limit.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Mar 26, 2005 sissoko link
I’m sorry for the long read again, but I got inspired. I think if you bother to read it there are some nifty ideas hidden ;)

Yes dekuplex, that was what I was thinking. Tournaments based on lists of items to bring to the queen. Those could be applied in many different ways.

From the top of my head, if there was a tournament queen (TQ) in odia she could offer a tag/ctf tournament based on bringing her the item(s) on the lists, and would depend on the size of the list, so u could have tournaments for ship classes. "Bring me 4 items on this list would have ppl jump in their rev c, ibgs and valks and centurions for speed, and "bring me 30-48 items" would create a tournament with centaurs, agressos and mauds, and on the even bigger ones the beemer...

ok back to the tournament in gray space.. this is more like capture the flag/widget/item.

"bring me one password datapad from ukari M-5"

The race starts, and every party of the tournament is free to kill the other parties, so u need lots of tactic and piloting skills to make it through with 8 players behind u trying to get that datapad. the message u get ("you have the cargo, bring it back to the queen") is the same as u get for picking up ctc-cargo, but the difference is that all players gets a note "dani ei has the cargo" the cargo can time out and then the tournament forfeits/u have to pick up a new crate in the station again.

It would be nice if participating in that kind of tournaments u could flag players so that they didn’t loose standing and got killed if a stationkill should happen. And if they killed ppl not in the tournament they would be kicked/leave group from the tournament.

And there are many options in the tournament rules like time limits, holding the crate for the longest amount of time

a simple tournament happens in a roid/single structure sector (with a large object for the 3000m to apply) there is the flag/widget and the tournament has a timer of X:XX minutes. if u die u respawn at the closest station and just head for the designated tournament sector. so u have the "flag" can /cannot fire, so u run but if u leave the 3000m border the widget is dropped in the middle of the sector again. this goes on for 8/16/24 min. etc and the winner is the one with the longest time of holding the flag/crate.

Awards: winner takes all prizes/money, or the prize is awarded for every minute u carried the widget so if u had the flag for 3 out of 8 mins u get 3x the entry fee + a $$$ bonus and a combat bonus from the TQ


The idea about these tournaments is that you pay, then you participate, and the entry fees vary from tournament to tournament. The entry fee is not attached to the participants in any way.

How about if the entry fee was more like a loot that had to be filled in advance before tournament would be initiated. Normally players paid in equal shares like XXXX k each and so on. When the tournament loot reached its set limit it could go on to the next step of registering the participants. The awards is given to the winner or split up into 1/2/3rd place depending on the rules.

This would make rich players/bookmakers to pay exactly how much they wanted into the loot without participating themselves. Then they could bet on a player to win (outside the tournament) and if betting on the winning party they could split the profits with the winner. Imagine a scenario of two bookies paying 500 000 each for a tournament loot of 1 million and the first one bets on shape to win, and the other on Eldrad. But! There are also 6/14/30 other parties in this tournament. Winner takes it all mwahaha…

This would create spending of a lot more VD (vendetta dollars :D) in the game which is much needed.

Another feature is that if a tournament is initiated with a single sponsor (1 player cough’s up the entire loot) he would get his name in the tournament name. Like --- Dani Ei’s Memorial Tournament ---

I have no experience in game development or programming in general, but to me it sounds like this isn’t extremely hard or difficult to code. I have tried to not “create” new art just mission based content. So im just saying we don’t need posts saying this and this is impossible/whining/negative comments

- dani ei -
Jun 16, 2005 LeadFist link
With the advent of the VRL (Vendetta Racing League), I thought that it would be appropriate to bump this topic.

Also an idea/suggestion: with the potential requirement to have a given ship configuration in a particular competition (like the stock gov bus in the VRL), It'd be useful to have ship scanning capability for the Tournament Master(TM). Or the TM could set up ship configuration parameters and let the VO server confirm or reject a particular entrant's ship.
Jun 16, 2005 johnhawl218 link
would be fun to have a sector full of observers, and the contest was that you had to kill observers and only 5 our of 30 or so had "new random widget" that dropped. The first person to collect 3 of the five wins the contest. Since observers are tricky to kill it should be fairly interesting.