Forums » Suggestions

Different veiws...

Apr 01, 2005 TNAtits link
The different veiws are just crappy. They are not good for anything but screen shots. There should be:

-A veiw behind your ship that locks position and turns when you do etc, 5M behind your ship.

-A veiw behind your ship that locks position and turns when you do etc, 12.5M behind your ship.

-A veiw that locks position and follows your ship, 25m above your ship. (Mabye for screen shots.. it would help)

-A veiw from inside the cockpit of your ship, with radars that actually look like part of the ship and cool doodads lol.

-The same veiw that rotates around your ship.

-The same veiw that shows from your lazers point of veiw.

-The same veiw that lets you go anywhere you want for good watching angles.

I looked for a post on this but couldnt find one. Any additional veiws would be appriciated..and even mroe appriciated if devs used.....
Apr 02, 2005 Solra Bizna link
Kinda like the different camera views in Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, or Carmageddon? Would be cool...
Apr 02, 2005 kihjin link
I'd like to be able to look to the left, right, and behind using keys. If you've ever played GTA, you'll know what I mean (press q, e, q+e, etc).
Apr 02, 2005 TNAtits link
Ah i know what you mean, like in armagetron, glance left, glance right, glance back, all set to different keys...THATD BE VERY HELPFUL!! WHO NEEDS RADARS!!
Apr 02, 2005 kihjin link
How about a toggle that replaces the right and left radars with the right and left view, respectively? It'd be like you're driving a car...

And then you could toggle to display behind you, each radar would show a portion of whats behind you...

And then, on top of that (since those are embedded views), full glance modes for left, right, and behind.

Apr 02, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
8 completely different views? Why, in God's name do you need 8? The best usage of views, I believe, goes to the Ace Combat Series. They have only 3 views, and they do everything that you want your 8 views to do.

1. 1st Person, HUD only view
2. 1st Person cockpit view
3. 3rd Person behind the fighter with near lock.

I say near lock in the 3rd person, because the fighter can rotate a few degrees (unlike the 20ish degrees that renders the behind view useless) yawing and pitching, and slides minutely when accelerating and decelerating (in Vendetta, it could also slide to the sides as well). The crosshairs are centered where the fighter is pointing, so even through the movement, you can see where your guns are gonna go.

On top of that, in each view, you can use the right joystick to rotate each view. In the first person views, it's like turning your head, in the 3rd person view, the camera revolves around the fighter. You can simply put the view rotate to the arrow keys, or something.
Apr 02, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Doing a search for "views" netted threads. a1k0n responded in this one: