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Problem with Saitek X52

Jan 18, 2007 akilleen link
I am having a problem with the Saitek X52 in linux. Everything is working fine, however when I try to map buttons in the game, it automatically sets it to JOY0BUTTON23. I found out that this is because the mode buttons are registered as buttons 23,24,25 for modes 1,2,3, and depending on which mode it is it, the corresponding button will be considered always pressed. Is there any way to disable "buttons 23,24,25" either in the game, or through the OS somehow?
Jan 20, 2007 Kragmier link
I don't know of any way to disable or remap joystick buttons in Linux. The way I worked around the problem was to put all of my mappings in a text file and then loading them through the console.

For instance:

bind JOYBUTTON0 +Shoot2
bind JOYBUTTON1 +Shoot3
bind JOYBUTTON2 Activate
bind JOYBUTTON3 RadarNextFront
bind JOYBUTTON4 RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind JOYBUTTON5 +Shoot1

saved in a ~/.vendetta/binds.txt file, then when in game run "/load binds.txt" from the console.