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Keys and non-default XkbLayout

Oct 21, 2004 yoosty69 link
Ooops! Wrong subject! Just realized it should be "Keys and non-default xmodmap"

I'm not too sure how this works, but it looks like VO gets the key before X does, because right now I have my CapsLock and Ctrl reversed in my xmodmap, but when I try to bind my physical CapsLock in the config menu, it shows up as blank (another bug?), and when I try to bind my physical Ctrl it shows up as Ctrl. This is the opposite of what I would expect to happen.

It doesn't make a difference in game-play or anything, it just looks weird when my logical Ctrl shows up as CapsLock in the config menu (well, it shows up blank, but it SHOULD say CapsLock).
Oct 22, 2004 a1k0n link
Heh, we can't get the keys before X does. X gives us the keys. The difference is just how the key information is used; if we translate a key press to "what should be typed" we don't get any meaningful information for Ctrl/Caps Lock/etc (it returns the string "", as opposed to an "S" or "q"), but we do get some magic number for the key itself and there are #defined values for all the various keys.

We have a special case for Ctrl, Alt, and Shift so we call them their respective names. CapsLock we don't have a special case for, so it just comes up blank. I don't know why xmodmaps don't apply before the physical keys get to us, but that's the way it works for whatever reason.

Out of curiosity, does CapsLock work in chat?
Nov 01, 2004 fgettaboutit link
I posted this as a bug but I'm not so sure now.
I can't bind to new keys. I keep getting an error that says "no such command <whateever>" i.e. no such command "helpchat".

Is this me or what?
Nov 01, 2004 Froste link
I got this too when I tried binding the general / mission tab keys, however I never tried binding anything else.
Nov 04, 2004 yoosty69 link
yes, CapsLock works in chat after I press Ctrl, which is what I want to happen.

One thing that I find wierd is that I can bind things to CapsLock in the gui, it just doesn't show up as being bound. Say the only thing I bind to Activate is CapsLock, instead of saying (none) as per normal, it just shows blank. However, if I quit vendetta it gets reset to nothing.