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Fixed window size/resolution

Oct 21, 2004 thginkrej link
The screen size apparently is fixed to the X server config. This makes sense for full-screen, since some full-screen progs make X go haywire at different resolutions, but it makes no sense for windowed mode. I'd like to have a non-fullscreen window, like 800x600, but there is no other option besides my desktop resolution. Is this being looked at?
Oct 22, 2004 raybondo link
Not currently. You'll have to add the 800x600 into your X config.
Oct 22, 2004 roguelazer link
Just add the other resolutions, but don't make them defaults. Then you can use ctrl-alt-+ and ctrl-alt-- to switch between them, as an added bonus. :P
Oct 22, 2004 mr_spuck link
... and put them _after_ your desktop resolution otherwise X will start up in the lower resolution.
Oct 22, 2004 a1k0n link
Well, if you edit your ~/.vendetta/config.ini, set windowmode=1 and change xres=800 and yres=600 does it do what you want?

Most people seem to have a bunch of extra resolutions configured in X by default so most people don't run into this..