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No sound with Nvidia OSS drivers

Nov 21, 2004 lucif3r link
I am using the new Nvidia Nforce OSS drivers and I am getting no sound from the game. Other sound apps (XMMS, Enemy Territory, ESD) work fine.
Nov 21, 2004 roguelazer link
Do you have the game set to use the OSS driver?
Nov 21, 2004 thginkrej link
Because if you do, Vendetta expects exclusive access to the /dev/dsp file (I believe that's the device file). ESD is sure to disrupt VO's access to the file, as are many other programs.

The best way I've found is to use ALSA for everything (actually, I use alsa for everything but VO, and use OSS for VO..).

Here's a thread saying how to tell ALSA to allow OSS-mode with vendetta:

But really, the best way is to just use ALSA completely..
Nov 22, 2004 lucif3r link
Really, cause my card supports hardware mixing (with the NVidia OSS driver I am using) /dev/dsp. I am not getting any errors about it and it works for other apps.

[Sun Nov 21 19:32:35 2004] Found driver: "ALSA driver". Type 1, Version 7.1. $[Sun Nov 21 19:32:35 2004] Instantiate address: 0x15ffc340
[Sun Nov 21 19:32:35 2004] Found driver: "Open Sound System driver". Type 1, V$[Sun Nov 21 19:32:35 2004] Instantiate address: 0x160e8ce0
[Sun Nov 21 19:32:35 2004] Found driver: "OpenGL Reference GKGL driver". Type $[Sun Nov 21 19:32:35 2004] Instantiate address: 0x16115380
/dev/js0: No such file or directory
/dev/input/js0: No such file or directory
/dev/js1: No such file or directory
/dev/input/js1: No such file or directory
/dev/js2: No such file or directory
/dev/input/js2: No such file or directory
/dev/js3: No such file or directory
/dev/input/js3: No such file or directory
Found 0 joystick(s)
osssound: ospace info: fragment=0010000a fragstotal=64, fragsize=1024
OSS sound initialized: 44100Hz, 16bit stereo, 371ms buffer using /dev/dsp
[Sun Nov 21 19:32:49 2004] Welcome to Vendetta Online.

Just no sound.
Nov 22, 2004 a1k0n link
thinkrej, that is no longer true. It doesn't mmap() the DMA buffer anymore.

lucif3r, it looks like it's working, or it thinks it's working. Can you check your mixer settings to see if it's muted? Vendetta doesn't touch the mixer, and what usually happens on startup is the drivers mute everything. Do you have aumix?
Nov 22, 2004 lucif3r link
Well it isn't muted for other apps, but the new nvidia OSS drivers are screwy. I tried the i810_audio and it had no problems. One odd thing for example is that the nvidia drivers have no PCM control in the mixer, just a master and controls for inputs and outputs.

It could be how Vendetta initializes the mixer perhaps?
Nov 22, 2004 a1k0n link
That's just it... I don't initialize the mixer device at all. I don't open it. As far as I know, OSS apps that aren't mixers aren't supposed to.
Dec 03, 2004 wylfing link
I'll second that nvsound is screwy. I finally got it working, though, sort of side-by-side with intel8x0. (Hey, whatever works.) ALSA/intel8x0 is used for everything except VO, where I choose OSS and it picks up nvsound and everything sounds great. Basically I got sound running under intel8x0 first, then built nvsound and edited *only* the snd-card-0 alias in modprobe.conf (as per the instructions). Rebooted just to make sure everything was clean and it works. lsmod says they are living happily together. Now I haven't tried some other experiments like turning on esd-driven system sounds or running Rhythmbox while playing VO, but one step at at time.

Prior to this I had horrible static in VO using ALSA/intel8x0. That seems to be completely gone except for some tiny popping during turbo. I wonder if I could get any advice on making that go away? Maybe fussing with the period in a config file or something?

[edit] I can hear the popping during turbo in Windows too, so this isn't a Linux-specific issue. [/edit]