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The Infamous GPL

Dec 13, 2004 Icarus link
Just wondering;

If Vendetta is linked (even dynamically?) against anything GPL'd then don't you guys have to make the source available as your product is now "GPL tainted"?

This is by no means meant to cause any trouble, I'm interested how you can get around this cos the licensing issues piss me off more than anything...
Dec 13, 2004 roguelazer link
...which is why the vast majority of libraries are LGPL...
Dec 13, 2004 Spider link
Seems they use lua, libvorbis, libpng (1.2.4, contains a buffer overflow, please upgrade)

zlib, jpeg6 (libjpeg), gtk+-1.2 and so on.. all of theese are LGPL or BSD license. I see no signs of obfuscation.

The devs are in the clear :)
Dec 13, 2004 a1k0n link
Heh. Using `strings` are we?

I upgraded libpng to 1.2.8 for the next version ;)
Dec 14, 2004 Spider link
of course I am, and you're not going to stop me from doing so! *muahahahahaaaaa*

....*trips off to cut down some on his sugarintake*
Dec 14, 2004 Icarus link
/me grabs his exe's and runs before Spider analyses them....

Ah so nothing linked in is GPL'd, fair enough... ;-)
Dec 14, 2004 Spider link
run iccy run!
*Decompiling & stracing*

Actually, I'm seeing strace logs when I close my eyes, I've spent the day looking over filesystem / locking related bugs and tracking event dispatchers.... *Whine whine whine*
Sep 29, 2005 hanp link
Linking (by mistake or intent) to a GPL library will never force you to share your source. It's just a violation of copyright if you don't. (Something that if taken to court probably would end up with them paying the copyrightholder for their misuse)

GPL is just a license, not a virus ;)
Oct 26, 2005 Demonen link
As I understand it there's a way to get around it:

1) Make a module/part of the program that links to the GPL'd stuff
2) Make it very uninterresting to look at and with an agressive lisence
3) Provide source as required by GPL

IANAL, but I belive you don't have to cough up more than the exact "GPL-touching" source, so this might make it possible to use GPL'd code and only have to show little, uninterresting peices of code.

Am I wrong?