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The Radar is the all-important way of determining what objects surround you in space. The left radar displays objects in front of you, while the right radar displays objects behind you. The closer a radar blip gets to the center of the display, the closer it is to being directly in front of you or behind you.

The color and shape of the icons on the radar display determine what type of object they represent. As objects get farther away and eventually pass out of your radar range, they gradually become darker.

A red dot represents an enemy ship

A green dot represents a friendly ship

A dot with a red circle around it represents an object you have selected

A green S represents a station's docking bay

A cyan swirl represents a wormhole

A green + represents a warp storm exit point

A purple dot represents a cargo crate floating in space

A gray dot represents an asteroid, ice crystal, or other sector object

A yellow dot represents an enemy straight-fire rocket or a mine

A flashing red/yellow dot represents an enemy homing missile that is targeted on you

A blue dot or flashing blue dot represents a friendly rocket or homing missile or a mine you have placed