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"Gold Killer_Red Friendly"

May 25, 2003 SirCamps link
Who is this guy?? I was browsing the player ranking page and saw him up there with 1200-some kills. He wasn't on the chart before today. How many sleepless nights were involved with this surge?
May 25, 2003 Arolte link
He repeatedly jumps into s6 and kills off our newbies in buses throughout the entire duration of his play time. Yet another lamer. Boy will he be surprised when the newbie killing penalty system is installed. OH BOY!!!!
May 25, 2003 The Kid link
I think you got the wrong GK, that one only has 33PKs
May 25, 2003 Arolte link
I thought they were the same. Either way, they're both newb killers.
May 25, 2003 Nytemayre link
I saw him killing bots en masse in s17 yesterday. Nukes all around.

This is one of those things I was complaining about in the ranking thread.
May 25, 2003 ctishman link
Either way, I have a sense that some of this sudden crop of griefers are rogue Neutral players out to give Serco and Itani bad names, even if it's at the cost of their own newbies.

Devs: Can you say who is running these characters? They're really bad for the game environment, and chase off new players.
May 25, 2003 Nytemayre link
as far as driving off newbies...

I'm sure lots of people have heard me say this before, but I was a victim of gold n00b hunting within a day of starting this game. They kept coming into sector 4 and 1, and flat out killing us. I went bankrupt even after declaring "not-hostile", begging, etc. Instead of quitting, I joined red as a different character to be able to play in peace (kinda). I wish more people would try this sort of thing instead of flat out quitting. I think most n00b killers make it pretty clear that they are hunting gold and not anyone else.

May 25, 2003 Pyro link
Yes, but then they win...
May 25, 2003 slappyknappy link
"Devs: Can you say who is running these characters? "

I hope the devs have more sense than that. I certainly wouldn't want them giving out my personal information.
May 25, 2003 SirCamps link
Exactly, slappy, the devs are not parents that punish abusive or disfunctional beta testers. If someone is spreading a rumor about Vendetta ("it crashes your computer and erases [insert vital file name here]"), then it'd be ok for them to do such. But for them to reveal the alternate characters of an individual is a breach of privacy, and will probably end up scaring off players (myself being one of them).

If it comes to something where we have only 1 character, that's fine for me. Until then, please respond in character and deal with the person as they come up. For instance, if it's a peaceful player like Roger Ramjet (I'm only using him as an example) that turns out to be GK_RF, please respond appropriately. Treat Roger as Roger, and GK_RF as RK_RF. I find too many people (Like Sam II) cannot distinguish between different characters in-game and users on the board, which is pretty immature.
May 25, 2003 Arolte link
I swear, some people just take this privacy crap too far. Personal information? WTF?! Do you have your date of birth, home address, criminal background, medical background, or PIN number imprinted in your character? Whoopdee fuggin' doooo, people will get to know your multiple accounts. The way I see it if someone's being a jerk they deserve to be exposed.
May 25, 2003 Urza link
the people who complain about personal info are usualy the ones with something to hide. Like fur and his fake bank chars in 3.1
May 26, 2003 slappyknappy link
"some people just take this privacy crap too far. Personal information? WTF?! Do you have your date of birth, home address, criminal background, medical background, or PIN number imprinted in your character? Whoopdee fuggin' doooo, people will get to know your multiple accounts. The way I see it if someone's being a jerk they deserve to be exposed."

If you even have part of someone's address and their name you can find the rest easily enough.

For example, I've had my american express number stolen before. Some guy pieced together enough info about me from various semi-secure places that he got away with using my card online for about a week before they caught him. He'd spent almost three thousand dollars in that one week.

I get into the far less likely but infinitely more scary possibility: Player XYZ pisses you off, so you get his address, go to his house, and pop him full of little metal projectiles.

Privacy is a real issue. If you haven't grown up enough to realize that, maybe you should have Mom cancel the Net Zero account until you do.

[note: This isn't an attempt to slander the devs; I have the utmost confidence in them, as they've always acted responsibly as far as I know. keep up the good work guys!]

[another note: sorry to be so harsh Arolte, but this is a very serious issue]
May 26, 2003 SirCamps link
Actually, I don't think it's even a personal info deal like that. Arolte, it's your right to be a jerk in game. It's also mine, and it's also GK_RF's.

But we have Guides for monitoring in game behavior/conversation.

It's more of a jerk to exact your version of "righteous revenge" by griefing a player across multiple accounts. It would be different, however if GK_RF told someone who his other accouts were, than the devs coming on and telling everyone. What would be the point of that? They might as well ban him. But realize we're gonna have griefers in the game.
May 26, 2003 Kuvagh link
Station defenses that disallow station mining will be the end for Gold Killer. He's a terrible fighter so that's really all he can do. What does he arm with? A Prometheus with lightning mines and geminis. It's a wonder he's even been able to kill all of those bots. :)

May 26, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
yeah but still:

<Gold Killer_Red Friendly> Blue 705430 2048 52 24 85.33 344.45 0/1

gaining this in 2 days, you have to have the inclination to shoot all those bots, I was getting tired of it after 3 minutes of constantly shooting those bots of 3.1. Naturally the occasional botshooting during a cap or something else, just to get your mind of everythig is fun, but for doing it constantly. Rather him thenm me , I would say :D

May 26, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
*thinks the devs need to block GK_RF's account so he'll go eat/sleep/breathe.*
May 26, 2003 Arolte link
Uhhh, slappyknappy, you totally misunderstood my post. My point was that your personal information ISN'T available on your characters. They're just characters with different names. They're just characters with score, money, bounty, and some kill stats. What I was saying was that every CHARACTER of a troublemaker should be exposed, not their account information. The devs will never release your personal information to the public, if they have any intention of sticking with their privacy policy.

[another note: sorry to be so harsh, slappyknappy, but next time read my post before blathering off ignorantly and in an inflammatory manner]
May 26, 2003 CSZeus link
I think there's still a problem with that. It is a roleplaying game - so exact your 'just revenge' on the CHARACTER that is giving you problems, not the PLAYER. For all you know, GK_RF could have an alternate character that's a really good gold player, or a blue player that's highly hostile towards reds. Just because a character is doing something you don't deem polite doesn't give you the right to harass him out of character. That would make you worse than he is.

May 26, 2003 SirCamps link
My point exactly. Arolte, he doesn't "deserve" anything except the same privacy we all enjoy.