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The Multi-Nation Account Issue

Jun 08, 2003 Nytemayre link
Ok. This was brought up earlier, but it deserves its own thread. People are abusing the fact that they can join more than one nation. Today 3 capture attempts were stopped by a red imposter who capped blue and just spaced it. Thats not playing the game, thats just cheating. We need to figure out a way to prevent this activity (as well as other cross-nation issues such as demining) soon. If it becomes impossible to capture flags people will just resort to griefing and piracy for kills and entertainment.

I propose that all of your nicks have to be of the same nation. Its a simple fix. You can change teams at any time, but it makes it a huge pain to disguise yourself as another nations player without reseting all of your accounts. Perhaps guides could start stepping in when this kind of thing occurs. Its obviously a blue player disguised as a red when he just grabs the flag and hides in s1. Issuing him an /explode would be great.

Anyway, shame on you blue. Warp hopping is bad enough (*ahem*gold*ahem*) but taking advantage of features that are there just because it is a game is plain wrong. I used to have a certain respect for your nation, but thats over. You are on the same level as gold now.

Jun 08, 2003 The Kid link
"Warp hopping is bad enough (*ahem*gold*ahem*)"
Not to say I've seen more reds do it than gold, and I'm on a lot.
Anyway, no point in arguing about a "jibberish" second account, if one person has more than 1 acoount (except for dev approved account), they should at least get immediate suspension, and maybe even a pernament ban.
Jun 08, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
They should get both account's characters locked and have there money, ships, weapons etc. wiped.
Jun 08, 2003 Nytemayre link
Well if any devs decide to do so, the red imposter was "Vexx".

But I don't think it was a second account. Just a second character underneath the same account. All characters underneath one account MUST be of the same nation otherwise we will keep seeing issues like this.
Jun 08, 2003 roguelazer link
Like I said, you should have 2 weeks from account creation to make characters of any nation. Then, after 2 weeks have elapsed, a message box pops up and asks you to pick a nation. All of your chars go to that nation at no loss of score/money/ships/etc and you can no longer create characters of any nation other than your own. You can, however, create new characters on your nation. This scheme both allows n00bs choice, prevents cheating, and encourages nationality.
Jun 08, 2003 technocrat link
If this isn't going to be the final game, WHY BOTHER? You guys seem to be making a huge deal out of something very petty and insignificant in the scheme of things. Don't you guys think the devs have better stuff to do then to start fixing these nit picky things? CTF is going away soon anyway, so who cares about people switching teams... You guys are getting WAY too absorbed into this game...just play it and shut up. Don't forget, we are testing an engine, not a kid’s game.

Might I add that I enjoy playing on all teams. Sometimes it’s nice to switch around and get some variety. As long as I’m not cheating (like spacing flag or de-mining) I don’t see what is so wrong about it. Red’s a great team, but I’m not going to marry myself to it. If the team starts to suck and I get board, I might play Blue for a while and enjoy the cheaper valks, but I’m not going to delete all my chars just to do it.
Jun 08, 2003 roguelazer link
Note: My impression is that this IS going to be the final game. "Over time, the Vendetta Test will morph into the Vendetta MMORPG"
Jun 08, 2003 Nytemayre link
I understand about not wanting to fix things that will soon be going away. The problem is how long is "soon"? If soon is 3 weeks to a month, OK. Fine, give us something else to do and take away CTF. But if we're looking over a month, its worth fixing. I don't believe the nation-sticking code would be all too difficult, though I'm certainly not the final judge of that. If the devs see fit to fix this, I will be grateful. I'm sure many others agree.
Jun 08, 2003 electric27 link
Nation hopping could also hurt the game when it switches to things like missions and the like. Think of CTF not as a game, but a mission. One nation must capture the flag, one must defend. Any under-handdedness to prevent either team from completing the mission is wrong.
Now I have NO clue what type off gameplay/missions the devs are gonna cook up, but say the the Itani have an ally NPC ship captured or trapped behind enemy lines and they must escort the ship to a certain sector. They take an organized approach to their mission and plan a route to take, as well as an alternate one. What if somebody from the other side had an account on both nations, and was more loyal towards say, the Serco, who have the prisoner. He or she switches and alerts the Serco of the planned routes to be taken. Suddenly, the Itani are flaced with fleets of frigates and fighters and a huge mine field. That's not cool. Then say a few Itani decide to switch and demine. That's not cool either. See, it can suck the fun out of any scenario, and that's why it's an issue that must be addressed. I like a lot of the ideas out there, like a "training period" or something that would make switching for the sake of exploiting unnecessarily difficult.
Jun 09, 2003 sheepdog link
Hey, i see you people whining "its not the final game yet, we shouldnt be worried" well, i think you should be, because the soon we have all this BS fixed, the more people we will have playing the test, which means more feedback, which means better game in the long run, If this game is going to Morph into the final i want it to be great! I say if we get these little things out of the way so people stop exploiting than the devs will be able to work on there new stuff in peace and quite!
Jun 09, 2003 dragos link
Having multiple nation chars is a double edge sword.. however without it should you need to take action against one of the same color, you dont have that option(for example massive newb killing.. the only reason i have one char that isnt red)

Look, it does more good then harm, yet everyone focuses on the FEW that demine and all. Most that have multiple nations don't do that.
Jun 09, 2003 Lor20 link
WEll i am pretty new to vendetta (just joined last week) and made a red account first and after i got pretty wealthy i made a gold account to see what being in gold team is like. Im pretty sure once my gold account is someone wealthy ill try a blue one. Im pretty much only a trader, ive tried stopping a few caps and guarding someone of my team getting the flag but thats about it.. i wouldnt have a clue which team to join (in the long run) without atleast trying them because teams are alot different from the inside than from the outside.
I think what would beeefit the game more would be like a 200 meter invulnerable zone around stations (other than the sectores 1-6) so that pirating (aka i shoot the guy when hes 50 meters infront of the station so i dont have to fly all the way back and forth to sell the cargo) would get less profitable and especially station mining would become pointless. Just my 2 cents anyways
Jun 09, 2003 DR link
i like rogues idea (after two weeks you have to pick your nation). In part, and I really like this, it encourages nation recruiting because any newbie you see has a chance to join your nation. That and for the most part, it just makes sense... the only problem is if you get to like two different chars (since it's not really an RPG yet its not really problem yet), then you have a hard time picking a nation. also, I know as a hardcore (retired now) player of MUDs and online RPGs that the variation that comes from being a "different character" from your other one is nice. In this case however, we only have 3 nations so to lock it down is probably the best course of action.


ps on the whole, since it is still a test, there isn't really any reason for the devs to change any of it, since it still works for testing, which is why we're here
Jun 12, 2003 sheepdog link
i personally think... at one point... it could be one account one char... but you would have the abillity to, leave your nation with your ships and what not and join another one... the only problem with this is that you would not be able to join back to your nation until one month goes by. And im not just saying you could do this any ol' time... as soon as there is 'in-game' goverment... people would have the option of voting in someone to the nation.

EG: Lets say I'm gold and i want to join red. I submit a little form in lets say the closest non-red station. (so 5 or 13) And i would await the votes of reds that are online at moment. If the reds approve the joining of the nation... there would be a 5-10 minute period where i would not be able to do anything... i would be in station 13... just sitting. And then after that i would be on red... I would have to stay loyal to red for a month before i could change nations again. But also, during this month, if you demine or anything Red members (who started nativly on red or are past their one month 'trial') could vote some one out for de-mining and the what not. and they would go back to their homenation. it's a rough idea... but its an idea.
Jun 12, 2003 Phoenix_I link
My advice, allow friendly fire. Someone on your team is demining, blast em outta the sky. It's more realistic this way, cause if you turn around and shoot an m16 at people in your platoon, thier gonna take damage.
Jun 12, 2003 slappyknappy link
FF will make the problem worse, not better.

The cheater pops out of sector 3 station as his gold player. Instead of de-mining (which is annoying) he nukes the station and kills all the gold players flying around and laying the mines (which is more annoying and also very expensive).
Jun 13, 2003 Drooling Iguana link
What, exactly do you mean by "spaced?" If you mean that the "imposter" just flew away with the flag, then did anyone consider, I don't know, SHOOTING him? I mean, it's not like friendly fire is an issue here, since people can't carry their own flags. The guy would be just as vunerable flying off into the void as he would be flying toward his station.

I'd just like to go on record saying that I absolutely HATE the idea of confining people to one character/team. I personally have three characters, one on each team, and I play them all at various times depending on what sort of mood I'm in. I imagine that a lot of other players do the same. It adds variety to the game and makes it a hell of a lot more fun. And really, what problems does having multiple characters create? The potential for exploits to me seems to be very small compared to what it adds to the game.
Jun 13, 2003 roguelazer link
What I hate is the lack of nationality. If I have a player that is on the top levels of ALL THREE teams, how can I trust that player to be loyal to mine? Eh? How can you ever ascend in the military if you might truly be one loyal to the other team. It's different if you have to take time in your choice, and if everyone knows when you defect, but if you can create a n00bie-spy character in 5 seconds and sit in a homesector relaying secret chat info, that's a reason all in itself to restrict one nation.
Jun 13, 2003 Drooling Iguana link
Easy. The people with accounts on multiple teams won't ascend very far in their militaries. I never said that there should be NO penalty for having characters on multiple teams, it just shouldn't be completely eliminated.
Jun 13, 2003 taumuaddib link
What about a time limit if you go to switch nicks? Lets say if you log off one nick, you have to wait 10 min -1hr before you can log back on. The time limit and other variables would have to be worked out, but it seems plausible to me.

~The Penguin