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Jun 14, 2003 Chaos link
Just a thought.

I think you should get points for hiting people, then get there bounty if you kill them.
Jun 14, 2003 DR link
but then ppl can get an infinite number of points quickly by just having a friend repair over and over again (granted... it can be done with respawning but that would take longer than it'd be worth)

Jun 15, 2003 CannonFodder link
score means nothing - i said it last updates, i say it again

sidetrakked thought - why does score mean so much to people?
Jun 15, 2003 Arolte link
Yeah, I hope it's taken out for the future. There are too many damn bot nukers and miners that score has lost complete meaning. There has to be something else that can be rated about a player. Or maybe limit stats to teams/guilds only. That would encourage teamwork.
Jun 15, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
Why do players (or teams) have to have visible rankings at all?
Just get rid of stats all together.
Jun 15, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Team scores are good! They promote teamwork and give a sense of acomplisment. Player scores on the other hand promote newb killing, 24 hour bot sessions, bot nuking and creates BIG (But fragile) ego's.
Jun 15, 2003 Raccoons link
But what about for the people that mainly trade? You don't get any points when you trade, so you'll always have a lower score than the other people. So I agree with Cmdr. Freeman and Arolte on this issue.
Jun 15, 2003 Wombatula link
why don't the devs just make it so you don't get points for killing bots? anyone can kill a bot, it doesn't show much skill by killing bots. you skill should come from getting PKs.
Jun 15, 2003 KAos_nyrb link
i like the score! cus when i trade no1 bothers me cus my score looks like a noobs :)
Jun 15, 2003 BusMasteR link
Don't take the "point" out of botting =D

Why shouldn't that option be there for pl's
who don't play against others, or for those who
just like it...

If scorepoints are removed from bots, it'll just be
another annoying object, shooting at everything that
moves. Which i think, the game has enough of...
Jun 15, 2003 Urza link
Score has some point. In theory, as you bot, you get better. bot nuking and l. mining doesn't count though. So as you gain score, you tend to improve some.
Jun 15, 2003 roguelazer link
Let me fortell what Celebrim will post when he gets here:

"Score is probably not going to be in some future version of vendetta."

How close was I?
Jun 15, 2003 Chaos link
When you can beat three 350 bounty bots at the same time your ready for the human players.
Jun 15, 2003 roguelazer link
/me carefully notes that about 0.5% of the ACTIVE community is ready for human players.

Pul-leeze. 3x350c bots? In a valk maybe... but not in much else without mines/n00ks/rocket-ramming.
Jun 15, 2003 Spider link
In the old turnrate on the prom that was quite doable, since you could infact dogfight with it. In the current incarnation it isn't possible. I don't mind the lowering of the hull that much, it's just a factor to get used to, but the turnrate did quite kill the ability to use the prom in botting fights without using it as only a mobile rocket/gauss ram, the way people use the valk....

No, I dont think that beating 3x350 bots is simply "tag them, boost away to 1.2km, turn and fire" .

With the previous prom you could in fact navigate enough to dodge and move around in beat with turnrates while keeping the ships inside the gatling's target-area (I know many a whiner who was upset that I delayed them a bundle of time without taking hits) but with the current prom agility, the bots get an aim and you cant turn away in time. Really annoying since it made the ship quite useless in comparsion to the cheaper rag.

Yes, its a sturdy ship, but no, its not worth it. When you are forced to use it the same way you use the cheaper, better armed version, the ships usefulness goes away.
(I'd welcome any suggestions on why to use the prom instead of a rag, but shut up about counterrants, how I'm wrong, or how you indeed dont fight with your mighty valk by pressing roll and moving back/forwards while holding fire downpressed)

Jun 15, 2003 The Kid link
"Pul-leeze. 3x350c bots? In a valk maybe... but not in much else without mines/n00ks/rocket-ramming."
my centurion can take them out.
Jun 19, 2003 Chaos link
i can drop about 5 sets b4 i have to go and repair
Jun 19, 2003 genka link
Heh, as can I, provided that they don't move.
Jun 19, 2003 electric27 link
Now I can see why some people don't like score. You're right, what's the point? The thing is, a lot if times score can be a good indicator of somebody's status in game. If I see somebody with a score in the triple digits, it might be a good idea to keep on that person's good side, even keep my distance. On the other hand, if their score is, like, 3k, I know I can pretty much ignore them unless they decided to attack me, after which I will proptly dispose of them. Back in the 3.1 days 10k was generally agreed to be the "n00b limit". Past 10k, and you were a real man (or woman, or sentient being piloting a ship, I dunno). Since the nature of the game has changed, the n00b score may be a little different, but it's still a good indicator. If the scores are done away with (accually, team scores are pretty good), I'd like to see a ranking system of some sorts. A pk/d ratio would effect the ranking. That's right: PLAYER KILLS ONLY. Botting would then be for a diversion, for some extra cash, but no more "I need to boost my score, hey Mr. NPC, commere".
Jun 19, 2003 Pyro link
Frankly, I don't like the idea of a score much at all. If they're really good, you'll hear about them. The only ranking system that I think would be good for the game is a reputation system. Wow... I'm having trouble thinking up a way to put this...