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Station Damage and Roid Damage

Jun 16, 2003 Chaos link
i think it would be cool to see station damage and roid damage.
i dont know how this would be implemented, but its a cool idea.
Jun 16, 2003 Phaserlight link
/me agrees enthusiastically.

Don't know at what point in the development it would be implemented, but I can envision a large cap ship blasting its way through a 'roid field to assault a station. This would probably be very difficult for the uniquely shaped roids, but I could easily see the generic ice roids being blow-upable. And I'm sure once the game goes retail players will be able to organize assaults on stations to expand their own government's territory.
Jun 16, 2003 RocketMan link
That could be a good idea, but many roids in many sectors serve as landmarks to help find the way to hidden sectors. Blowing up these roids may make it nearly impossible to find hidden wormholes. Perhaps if instead of making the current roids able to be destroyed, a new kind of roid was introduced, ones that were randomly placed and that move in random directions. Then, these roids could be blown up without throwing off the landmarks that are already present.
Jun 16, 2003 Celebrim link
If roids are destroyable in a persistant universe, then they stay persistantly destroyed.

Plus, when terrain is morphed, everyone in the sector has to be updated with the changes in the sector so that everyone is seeing the same thing.
Jun 17, 2003 Phoenix_I link
I would like to see capturable stations, you could either capture a station for yourself, or for your government. And you get a % of the stations profit for yourself. To make this work, You would have to take down the stations shields (Taken down by lots of shots) Then dock and click on a button that says like "Demand Tribute" or something like that.
Jun 17, 2003 roguelazer link
I like the suggestion, posted several months ago, which was regarding capturing sectors. It detailed that if a nation's color (and ONLY that color) were to be in a sector (undocked) for a certain time (5 mins?), they would capture the station. It would become a nation station with nation-only ships, defense bots and all that good stuff. To reclaim it, another nation would have to occupy it. You wouldn't be allowed to set home there, though. Your home would be moved to the next closest unnational sector or something. Also, it should return to default if no one nation occupies it for 5 mins (if there's more than one nation). This wouold be cool.
Jun 19, 2003 Chaos link
yeh i agree