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Aug 06, 2003 BusMasteR link
Well - i dont know how, and i dont know why. But someone is impersonating other chars. More and more often, ppl get accusated of doing things they never did. We had that problem before but this is worst than then. One can't tell when it's happening or how - but it's a fact that it happens. This exact issue is of big importance of me, because i find it hard enough to keep my reputation as it is - but it's nearly impossible with an impersonator running around screwing things up.
We *need* to find out how this is done, it's causing rather big problems for several people - i amoung one of them...
Aug 06, 2003 Arolte link
Time to dust off that ban button and get some of these impersonating losers out. Woohoo!!
Aug 06, 2003 BusMasteR link
/me thinks so too...
Aug 06, 2003 roguelazer link
Known methods:

Creating <Charname> and using /me ---------------------- STILL LIVE
Using lookalike chars (ie | for 1, etc) ---------------- FIXED
Using spaces creatiatevly (ie space in middle of name) - STILL LIVE
Putting punctuation in --------------------------------- STILL LIVE
Using [] instead of () --------------------------------- STILL LIVE

Err... That's all I can think of atm. Be like SF and make a list of all your chars, then post it, and anyone can reference the list and be sure of the ingame person's identity.
Aug 06, 2003 The Kid link
Using spaces creatiatevly (ie space in middle of name) - STILL LIVE
IRC will catch that ;)
Aug 06, 2003 roguelazer link
What does Internet Relay Chat have to do with this?
Aug 06, 2003 The Kid link
well in the channel, it appears <vendetta> Itani: <person's real ID> bleh (spaces) <person's impersonating ID> bleh
so you know it was in the same chat with different names.
and you also figure out who was the impersonator.
Aug 06, 2003 electric27 link
What's saying the impersonator will use IRC?
Aug 06, 2003 dragos link
blaster is speaking of the IRC bot, which relays chat from ingame, into an irc channel
Aug 06, 2003 roguelazer link
Ignore blaster, I think he's talking to me.

/me whistles innocently
Aug 06, 2003 Forum Moderator link
There is still one more way that I will not go into here, but if it happens again, note the name of the player (in Vendetta chat) who has spoken immediately before the impersonator IF the player and impersonator are of the same color.

I have caught a few people doing this and have spoken to them. Impersonating the devs is not helpful either.
Aug 06, 2003 BusMasteR link
Ok - will do...

Note: I know that there's nothing to do about the nicks with small differences - nor am i asking for a function to rule that option out (i could imagine a such function would be a project of it's own)...