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Punishment for 'pirates.'

Aug 16, 2003 crazydeb8r link
OOH! Here's an Idea! If you want to trade, buy a capable escort. I know more than 1 pirate who has sold out to me for a little fun. The reason Pirates do what they do is because there isn't anything better to do. Except for 1 thing. Fight Pirates. It's a natural reaction, and my first after having two fully loaded Buses blown out from under me. I lost a bundle, and I was a n00b, so it hurt. Bad. But I just hired an escort after that, and It got better. [-.-] meh.
Aug 17, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

yes that is true, but most new people dont have money to pay an escort or know that they can hire someone.

When people begin trading they start on their own, and their cargo will get taken. Like you said, it isnt fun, but in stead of living with it like you did a lot of people just think, im not going to waste my time on a game like this when im getting killed on every traderoute. Most people test a gaem for 2 hours, and if they still didnt attain any profit then they will quit with it.

Besides, why should you have to hire an escort? As long as there isnt an escortservice in game "I mean supported in game" then it is not available.

You have to decide on what is implemented in the game not on what other people try to implement. Besides like I stated before, there arent a lot of escorts, and 5 newbies trading ith 1 escort while being chased by 1 pirate. Im pretty sure that at least a couple of newbies will get killed.


Aug 17, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Personally, I'd rather see each sector staton have some defense whether it be a ring of turrets or a force of ships that attack known hostile ships. Although I would like to have some A.I. wingman.

We also don't know what the effect of the upcoming faction system will have on things, maybe stations would welcome some factions and attack others.
Aug 17, 2003 crazydeb8r link
Ok, true, not everyone can afford escorts. Personally, I have been escorting people for free if they need it, but only in and out of 15. Maybe the trick is to implement escorts for hire at the stations, and then make them better or worse depending on what you can pay.

Another thing - n00bs can make money trading in safe(r) sectors. They usually make the mistake of heading to 7 or something dumb like that.
Aug 17, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Yes I know.

But Im agaisnt piratign now, as soon as their is a reputation system in check and newbies and or people get pirated, then those pirates will feel a consequence of their action, but as long as it isnt implemented you should not pirate.

Like I stated before, Im not completely agaisnt pirating, Im against peolpe that are bored and just shoot in the wild to have some "fun" on the expense of others. Like I stated before, you cant be evil in a game that doesnt has a reputation system, you cant be evil just becasue you like to blow up stuff beause in a war , you will almways blow up stuff and then you arent evil. But WHEN pirates feel the consequences of their actions, for instance pirating in 7 will make you unable to dock at 7 and 1 sector at every warphole thereafter. Then I wouldnt mind, because If I would get pirated in 8, then pirates couldnt dock in 14 or 9 or 5, it would make it a lot more difficult for the pirates. Because they cant just go in station to rearm and shoot the next one.

Crazy , to answer on your post. Yes if escort services were handed out in station, then that would be a nice addition. And if some people chose that line of profession, then the npc could be replaced by another player. But untill it isnt in game, you cant count on it to it being a valid point for resolving pirating, or for punishing it.

And yes, noobs can make money ion the safe sectors, and yes they will venture outside. But mostly they dont listen because they havent ogt a clue what that guy is talking about. Why have I got to limit somebody elses pleasure by not letting them go into 7. As long as he doesnt shoot anybody in 7 then he should be left alone, it is that simple. No action should give no reaction.

Aug 19, 2003 Nighty link
Let's just wait and see what the faction system gives. Maybe it will start implementing Elite style reputation system with real consequences. If this were so, pirates would not be able to dock almost anywhere, and would have to start cooperating in groups to stand a chance of hauling that pirated cargo back to their pirate lair several sectors away.

I realy don't know what this so called "faction system" is gonna be like, but some random thoughts on what would be nice to have implemented:

1) Possibility to expell people from your nation. This decision must be made by vote from some sort of council. These people would then become rogues and won't be able to dock in any nation's hangars. Guess where most pirates would end up? Right, because no nation government would want to be associated with a bunch of criminals and pirates.

2) Possibility to create your own faction and assigning a governmental system to it: democracy/dictatorship/anarchy/... The creator of the faction would be able to appoint some council members if he chooses to make it a democracy. This council then would be able to vote on membership applications to decide if people can join said faction or not.

3) Possibility to form temporary official aliances between factions. For example: two pirate guilds forming an alliance would mean they could cooperate, and the others would not show up on their radar as bandits, but as merely bogeys or even friendlies. This should be a choice to make when forming that alliance: is it a full mutualy trusted alliance, or just an alliance out of necessity? In the first case the leaders might be more inclined to make it a frienly alliance, otherwise a neutral alliance might be the wiser choice. This will also impact the gameplay: in a friendly alliance you can't shoot members of the other party in the alliance, just like you can't shoot members of your nation now. In a neutral alliance you can, but even though a member of the other party might be closer than an enemy, the enemy will be selected when choosing "nearest enemy" untill you flick the alliance members filter off.

This faction system would then allow several special interest groups to be formed: military factions attached to a nation (think paramilitary groups); vigilante groups, pirate groups, trade guilds, ... Basicaly anyone could start up a faction. However not all factions would be equaly important. Take toshiro for example: he is a member of the RAF. He is also the only member of the RAF. He doesn't consider taking on new members. In the system I described he would be able to make this RAF into an official faction with one member. But it would be utterly pointless. Maybe a minimal member count for creating a faction is a good idea; after all, the servers have to keep track of the factions, and it wouldn't be viable to keep track of a couple of hundred one-member factions.

And yes, in such a system there would be a place for pirates, as long as their chosen profession comes at a price. Not being able to dock in any nation's stations, only in pirate hideouts... Not belonging to any nation, only being safe from your fellow pirates in your pirate guild and allied pirate guilds... Those are real consequences which might make people think twice before becoming pirates. Only people with real pirate blood will accept these consequences; the current batch of "pirate coz-there's-nuffin'-bettah-to-do" pirates would not exist anymore.
Aug 20, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
/me applauds nighty,

/me puts him on PR duty :D
