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VALK - Vendetta Disaster (re-started)

Nov 29, 2003 Forum Moderator link
I think the devs have pointed out that the ships are not really meant to be balanced for the game as it is NOW, but are close to the mark for where the game is going. We're not always giong to have all this money laying around you know. The game is likely to change quite a bit with a reset and dynamic economy.
Nov 30, 2003 Arolte link
I don't really buy (no pun intended) into that money theory. Maybe once ships are balanced though. But Look at it this way... If person A buys a really expensive Valk that can get three kills per one death, and another person B buys a Warthog that can only get one kill per one death... who is going to pay more? Well that Warthog pilot is going to have to pay three times the amount of his ship to get the same amount of kills as that Valk. While the Valk may cost more initially, it's going to save them a lot of money simply because person A won't be dying as much. So you'd actually be worse off with a non-special ship, giving it no real advantage aside from a few unique designs (i.e. Warthog being only L-port fighter, Vulture being hard to hit, etc.). Obviously special ships are meant to have an advantage, but I think the price of nonspecials would be more justified if they were a lot cheaper than the specials. They're not bad now, but some of 'em could go a little lower in price.
Nov 30, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

Did you see me say that a warthog will be 3 times less expensive ???

I was talking about keeping the rest of the prices as they stand.

Maybe a slight increase, but not much.

non special= 30k - 100k for a totally fitted ship
specials = 100mill - 300mill for a totally fitted ship, maybe if it seems that the economy will never be able to reach that point. Make it 10 - 30 mill. Dont forget in 2.x, 1 mill was a lot of money, so what do you imagine, 10 mill will be. It might even be 1 - 3 million, if the most players can only afford ships from 500k.

But you could start with giving it a price of 1 - 3 mill after the reset. If then people still get them as easilly as now, then I propose raising the price by a factor 10. Still the same, then I propose to alter the dynamical economy, because something will be wrong at that time :D

PS: Like the FM so nicely stated, this is a test, and the devs want us to have shitload "excuse me for the words" of money, just so we can test everything easilly out and they wont encounter any problems with the items not being tested properly.


PPS: Does this ease your worries arolte?
Nov 30, 2003 Arolte link
I was responding to the moderator's post. It was almost 2am at the time, so I didn't have the energy to read yours or anyone else's above.
Nov 26, 2003 simondearsley link
Yeah, strip the Valk of its 2 of its small ports and give it 1 large instead.

That would balance everything...
Nov 26, 2003 sherman link
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?

What the HELL are you thinking you drugged out hippie? A valk with a large port and 2 small?

If anything deserves a large port it's the marauder.
Nov 26, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
I'll agree with the drugged out party but I'm not a hippie (cough 14 cough)

A valk with 1 Large 1 small, I accidentally typed 1 and not 2 removals of smalls, Make the Valks armarment = Warthog and Atlas

[SDF] Black 1
Nov 27, 2003 CrazySpence link
just what we need, the most agile fighter with an advanced gatling
if that happens i want my hog to have an unreal engine so i can escape the bloody thing
Nov 27, 2003 Arolte link
Heh, yeah... a Valk with an L-port would be hell. Nooooooooo!! Baaaad.

The Warthog should remain as the only fighter with an L-port. That's what makes it stand out from the rest. And it's one of the few non-special ships that give you the slightest bit of chance of surviving Valk/Vulture attacks. I think it's perfectly balanced now.
Nov 27, 2003 Sovereign link
I think the valkyrie and the vulture are both perfectly balanced. The valk just needs to be harder to aquire. Missile/rocket ports need to be capped at one or two per ship. Trigger happy yahoos in valks aren't the only problem. I've noticed an increase in swarmer spamming rags recently.
Nov 27, 2003 CrazySpence link
the swarm spamming is just cause we're all disgustingly rich
I dont think someone watching their pocket books will launch a swarm or l-mine attack after the reset, it is very very expensive
Nov 27, 2003 ahdinh2 link
I think the Valkyrie Is Perfectly Balanced
Nov 27, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Swarm spamming is going on a lot for two reasons : We all have crazy amounts of cash and the lack of an effective counter measure against the valk. Whenever a valk jockey appears swarms won't be far behind.
Nov 27, 2003 Sovereign link
Effective countermeasures against the valk? Unless you're in a heavy without mines or you're Vendetta's worst pilot, you should be able to stand a chance of at least getting away from the valk. If the valk jocks (as you put it) attack n00bs, DEFEND THEM! It's not impossible to take out a valk. And while we're on the subject of ships with extreme maneuverability, have you taken a look at the vulture's thin profile? It's damn near impossible to hit at times. If the valkyrie gets nerfed, I'll try to get the vulture nerfed too since the two ships belong together.
Nov 27, 2003 simondearsley link
I'm completely serious about the L-port idea! It would rock! No more need for the prom or the hog. While we're at it, why not give the valk 18 cargo too, then there would be no need for the maud either...

Unless the pilot is a complete retard, swarms will not hit a valk. All this is good for is buying time for others to escape, or to move into the dock and fire again if your Arolte ;)

I honestly think that everyone should stop complaining about the Valk. The only problem i see (and the main cause for all the trouble) is the Valks ability to hit and run. Its faster than anything else, so if its in a fight and begins to lose, it can outrun anything else back to the dock, repair and rejoin, sometimes before its target(s) can do the same. The only solution to this is to double team it. Cummon people, we're all smart here, how about using it sometimes. If your fightin a valk and it runs for the dock, have a teammate intercept it as it enters and shoot it up!

Maybe if system specific damage is ever implemented, this will be less of a problem, shoot out an engine etc.
Nov 28, 2003 Hunter Alpha link

I know the valk isn't impossible to kill. I've killed loads but that's not the point.

The point is the valk is unnecessarily hard to fight and you simply cannot fight a valk who does hit & run attacks unless you use mines except people shoot them down which means you've wasted a large weapons port.

I'm not talking about nerfing the valk either and if you had actually looked at my posts you would see that. Oh, and you can try to get the vult nerfed if you really want it'll just mean I can fly the cent full time again.
Nov 28, 2003 Sovereign link
The valkyrie is still usually easier to hit than the vulture.
Nov 29, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

Can you please for once listen to our points:

1) A valk is high technological piece of equipment
2) It will be insanely expensive "imagine it costing 100 mill unequipped". Besides, you can make weaponcosts defer from the ship they are placed upon. So it could be that a triflare valk would cost 200 mill.
3)Imagine a dynamical economy on which you cant make more then 20% profit, what will be already huge if you compare it with a real market. this means that you will have to do a lot of tradetrips to only buy 1 valk. Most people will keep to the vult.
4) Itani people could get a ship like this for 150mill, while the rest for 200 mill. Now since goldies make a lot more money on every trip, they could get an increase of 10% on every tradetour that they do. It would mean that they could more easilly buy a valk and a marauder, then that us itanis would be able to buy 1 valk.
5) Bundle this together with the ease of use somebody can lose a valk if he gets teamed up by certain standard ship players.

6) In the end a valk or any other special, will just reflect the time you spend in the game and if you are well liked or not. Because people that arent well liked will contineously get multiple people on their backside and wont be able to keep their special for long. And since they will be expensive like hell, it isnt just hop right back in the saddle after loosing your best mount.


PS: I hope that this makes it tatally clear hunter. Because im tired of constantly hearing the same things about the specials. They are great ships, but if they are so expensive, then they will just be a statussymbol like a ferrari is and used sparringly and with care. What they should be
Nov 25, 2003 Phoenix_I link
"Fact 1 : The valk is the fastest ship in vendetta which makes it hard to hit and allows it to escape very easily.
Fact 2 : The valk has 10,000 hull which means it can take quite a beating before it becomes dangerous for the player using it."

Your first fact is incorrect. The valk is not the fastest ship in the game. It has the highest acceleration.

Your second fact is also incorrect. It has the lowest hull of all of the specials 2 groups of tri sunflares takes you down to about 33%

And another thing. Most of you are juding the valk by who's flying it. Most of you have fought vets in valks and lose constantly. Well duh, your fighting an experienced pilot. You put me in a vult vs. a n00b in a valk. or even a good pilot, The valk would die. If you put 2 pilots that are about the same skill 1 in a valk, the other in the vult, the vult WILL win, the valk is a huge target, the vulture is so thin its damn near impossible to hit.
Nov 25, 2003 Hunter Alpha link

"Your first fact is incorrect. The valk is not the fastest ship in the game. It has the highest acceleration."

So, now pro-valk arguments include my poor choice of words does it? You obviously knew what I meant so why draw attention to it? Is your own argument really that weak?

Both facts ARE correct. If "2 groups of tri sunflares takes you down to about 33%" then that just means the valk will survive (and run away) whereas a "non-special" ship will not. So in a way you've made my point for me. Oh, and the other two special ships don't have the valks ability to run away.

"Most of you are juding the valk by who's flying it. Most of you have fought vets in valks and lose constantly."

I wish it was as simple as this but it's not. I've seen average (at best) players suddenly turn into the most experienced vets just because they fly the valk. And, even worse, it turns vets into god-like beings because they simply run and repair whenever they face death. The valk gives so much power yet demands nothing.

See, I have an actual argument while most of you only have snotty remarks.