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Questions from a newbie

May 10, 2016 Cepisring link
Although I am a newbie of VO, I don't like the system to help me with the gameplay, I like controlling every part of my ship. So I switched off the auto aim and auto fire, and I am going to switch off the flight assist after some practice. Am I an idiot because of doing these? Are there any players doing the same thing? Could you share some experience to me? Thanks a lot.

Ps. Sorry for my poor English, I am not a native English speaker
May 10, 2016 Sieger link
Welcome to Vendetta Online!

No, you're not an idiot for experimenting with the flight controls, haha. Play with the settings until you find a style that benefits you.

I personally fly with FA/AA and MLock on when I travel. In PvP, I usually have FA on (only toggle it on demand) and toggle AA heavily depending on the weapon I use and how close my enemy is. AA can really help in close combat. If you're decent at hitting faraway targets, you may wanna turn it off.
When I bot, I like to keep AA on. The stupid bots will circle into my blasters eventually...
I imagine you are a mobile player. So my style may probably not work out for you as well as it does for me. Especially cause I got not the slightest clue when it's smart to have AutoFire on and off. I don't have that on PC.

Your English is quite fine, by the way. Atleast you are trying and not going "hi im new. cud u help me plz?". :)
May 10, 2016 Phaserlight link
I switch between modes very frequently in PvP depending on the situation, usually over matters of seconds and as many as twenty times or more per fight. I find it essential to have both 'toggle flight assist' and 'toggle auto-aim' bound to easily accessible keys because of this (on a controller). Further strategy on different modes can be found on the wiki.

However, Vendetta isn't a 'one size fits all' type experience, and what works for me may not work for you. Practice with different modes, practice switching between modes if you can, and I'm sure you will arrive at a solution.

In PvE I tend to fly with auto aim on and fight assist off, but I still find it helpful to be able to switch between modes quickly.

So far I have always left autofire on. However, depending on how good your reactions are, this can actually be a detriment to energy control or when using sensitive weapons like railguns.
Jun 24, 2016 DEATH812 link
У меня не большой вопрос: где купить такой же корабль как в обучении или какой либо другой крупный корабль? Я искал в вашем wiki и не нашёл.
Простите за то что я говорю по русски у меня с английским языком проблемы
Jun 24, 2016 Kierky link
Hello new person, I shall murder you. That is all.
Jun 26, 2016 genka link
Vendetta is a game where for any opinion you have, it is trivially easy to find someone that will think you are an idiot for having it.
That said, my opinion is that you should turn autoaim back on, think hard about turning autofire back on and immediately turn off flight assist. Keep in mind though that I have only played this game on a PC.

В обучение, пилотируемый корабль: Raptor. Это небольшой "истребитель." Такой можно купить в станциях TPG и UIT.

Большие корабли: HAC, Constellation, Teradon и Trident. Из них, игрокам возможно владеть только тридентом. Как именно завладеть таким пепелацом я не знаю, знаю только что этим занимаются только очень скучные игроки, с которыми общаться очень неприятно. Например Sieger или Kierky. (Эти двое, помимо прочего, знаменательны тем что пользовались своими тридентами чтобы накачать счёт по убитым игрокам, убивая своих ботов. Весёлая компания.)

Кроме Терадона, ко всем большим кораблям можно пристыковаться и пострелять из башни.