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Vendetta Online: Unregulated Toxic Chat simulator with optional lag

Feb 03, 2017 Ore link
Make 100 system-only chats. You'll have to travel between systems (leave a station and play a space game) to bullshit with others. As you jump between systems, your Radio 100 changes to the local system conversation.

This will consolidate all the shit talkers to one system while the rest fly around between systems with less fucks for 100 and play a space game!
It will reduce the harmful noise that a global chat system brings.
Encourage players to leave the station.
Localize the noise in Latos, Sedina, Odia.

Less vets in nation space to guide noobs
Maybe harder to monitor abuse to individual system chat

There is probably more cons than what I have here but this might make for a more interesting dynamic as radio 100 changes as you jump into Sedina and listen to the VOID salt!
Feb 03, 2017 joylessjoker link
Guys: be very, very careful what you wish for. Doing away with the global chat system might seem like a welcome relief now, but later on you will dearly miss it.

Feb 03, 2017 xperia link
VOID delclares war on Luxen why? Cos I'm a toxic lagger
*flys around in 1000M jumps screaming obscene words*
Feb 04, 2017 joylessjoker link
so greenie, do you approve of your lieutenant xperia's unbecoming behavior here and in-game?
Feb 04, 2017 Death Fluffy link
Alternatively GS could employ some form of a three strikes and your out policy to permanently mute offenders. Perhaps a progression that starts at 1 month to lifetime mute.

I have loved chat on 100 back when I was a real player. I'm sure I annoyed plenty of folk with my inane banter- much like I now do here on the forums ;) So I do understand the positive influence it can have on the game.

When I do play I have to say that the overall atmosphere on 100 is much better now than at other times I've experienced in the past.
Feb 04, 2017 Inevitable link
[removed yet another chat log pruned for a particular player. Seriously, knock it off -Phaserlight]
Feb 04, 2017 Sieger link
Inevitable/Boda Shandis... That Phaserlight deleted the logs you datamined/posted on your forum alt is not an invitation to post them from your main.

And also... why do you waste your time like that? Woah.

(More) on topic: I have serious doubts the guides are constantly moderating 100. I also think they did not mean to claim that (in reply to smittens assuming the guides said that).
The easiest proof would be to log on at active VO times 20 GMT to maybe 3 GMT and just watch the chat. For it for one or two weeks and you'll see: There are not only political rl discussion which are beyond annoying, but also horrible people saying immensely offensive crap. People logging in for hours just to insult any random newbie who has a question while not playing the game by theirself.

Over the holidays, I've seen Whistler a couple times. And that was the only guide I saw actively moderating, spare the really seldom Phaserlight logins that I am aware of. Phaserlight said we don't know most of the time whether they are on or not. But if I am misjudging this and they are actually online moderating all this time... then they are not doing a good job at all. And I really don't want to accuse them of that or think that. I just think they're not on a lot. Sorry.
Feb 04, 2017 Inevitable link
1.) I don't have forum alts, so quit with your condescending false accusations. 2.) I didn't see phaserlight delete anything. [mod edit] 3..) It took 2 seconds to do that.

4.) The chat logs are not off topic at all. They actually show toxic chat logs of the channel in question. Its actually exactly on topic.
Feb 04, 2017 bojansplash link
"...lead by example"
Miss Manako

Absolutely the best advice given to xperia.

Anyone interested in finding out who actually provides the chat toxicity in ample volumes on a daily basis can ask CrazySpence to give him access to his database. [mod edit]

As for mobile lag - seriously xperia?

Your guild has always been the lag kingdom of VO: xperia, Skytex, Blazzy, Aetherial Nightmare, Nyscersul, Monkey D Luffy, Chezvan Tandris, Camo-muffin, neutralizer, Piment...
All of you guys have high latency/packet loss and jump around like mad and you complain when someone else, besides you and your guildies, has the same lag so you are unable to hit him?

Welcome to our world of cable/optic internet connections (ethernet to router, not wi-fi) who experience that with you lot every day.

Strange you do not complain about lag when it works in your favor, and do so only when it works against you.
Feb 04, 2017 Phaserlight link
A reminder that posts attacking other players are not tolerated.

Chat logs intended to paint a particular player or group of players in a negative light don't help. I doubt there are many useful/constructive ways to use chat logs in a discussion about ways to improve chat, while avoiding the following pitfall:

It's OK to talk about ways to improve general chat without calling out specific players or groups of players.

The title of this thread may be somewhat histrionic, but if we look past that there might be a productive discussion to be had here that doesn't involve specific individuals or groups.
Feb 04, 2017 joylessjoker link

Chat logs intended to paint a particular player or group of players in a negative light don't help.

So it's not helpful to shine light on hypocrisy, so that the offender can become aware of it and modify his behavior? Sometimes directly pointing out something works best.
Feb 04, 2017 Phaserlight link
So it's not helpful to shine light on hypocrisy, so that the offender can become aware of it and modify his behavior? Sometimes directly pointing out something works best.

Assuming good intent, the best way to do something like that is in private; it gives the individual a better chance to 'save face' and modify his/her behavior in a productive way.
Feb 04, 2017 joylessjoker link
Sometimes resorting to public embarrassment is effective and drastically reduces drama, like what your boss Incarnate did to greenie about a week ago.
Feb 04, 2017 Inevitable link
A reminder that posts attacking other players are not tolerated.

Chat logs intended to paint a particular player or group of players in a negative light don't help. I doubt there are many useful/constructive ways to use chat logs in a discussion about ways to improve chat, while avoiding the following pitfall:

It's OK to talk about ways to improve general chat without calling out specific players or groups of players.

The title of this thread may be somewhat histrionic, but if we look past that there might be a productive discussion to be had here that doesn't involve specific individuals or groups.

What like these?
Feb 04, 2017 Phaserlight link
The threads you link to are in Role Playing, Inevitable. You should be aware by now that General and Suggestions are held to a stricter standard. This isn't a pass to use "Role Playing" as an excuse to circumvent the rules.
Feb 04, 2017 Inevitable link
So those threads are okay for Roleplaying, but they are not okay for Role Playing. Got it.
Feb 04, 2017 aaronund link
The RP forum isn't RP.

You guys should rename it The "Trolling, Shitposting, and Politics forum" That way you're being honest about what really goes on there.
Feb 04, 2017 joylessjoker link
Yup, aaround. This whole thread summed up:

Feb 04, 2017 Phaserlight link
There's very little that's "okay" about the quotes you link to, Inevitable; it's more that I have to consider the context in which they are used. If Incarnate gives the go-ahead I may descend on those threads and clean them up.

Things are often said in general chat with little consideration for the long-term ramifications; it's easy to be "in the moment" while playing, which isn't an excuse to engage in abusive chat, but I don't expect everyone to be mindful of the fact that people will be linking to their channel 100 texts 5 years in the future at all times. Forum posts are more like decade-scale in terms of exposure.

"Chat logs" tend to get compressed in time, also. There aren't the natural pauses that occur in normal conversation, which makes reading a chat log a bit out of the ordinary to begin with. There are time stamps, but it's unrealistic to expect someone to read a chat log at tempo. Any sort of saucy, edgy language gets compressed. This is further magnified by picking select chats out of the stream and presenting a collated list.

The overall effect of reading a chat log is not at all like being a part of the chat in game; things tend to get magnified, and possibly blown out of proportion.

At any rate, I'm not really interested in discussing how I enforce, or fail to enforce, Incarnate's rules of conduct. We all know what they are. If not, I recommend reading them.
Feb 04, 2017 Luxen link
when pilots start fighting with the mods, its time to lock the thread. Can we, please?