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My Xbox Elite Controller Settings

Jun 08, 2018 Voidance link
I have been asked multiple times about my settings since I came back to VO about 3 weeks ago, and I think it'd be easier to post here. I'm omw to work, so I'll be editing this later on today. I use an Xbox One Elite controller with 2 paddles on the back, one on left and one on right. I use a micro USB cable to plug and play.
I use linear sensitivity curve for both sticks, this setting is in the gamepad Calibration screen. I noticed that on the Xbox One Elite and reportedly other game pads and joysticks, the diagonals do not register correctly on Default curve, and cube root is just weird and I believe it's tailored to touchscreen axis'. I also use the Xbox Accessories app, the companion app for the Elite for Xbox and Windows, and set the right joystick to the Smooth setting, and left to instant. [reminder to insert picture here later]

Now for the binds, now again, this will be edited with a screenshot or paste of my binds, but I'll go by memory for now.

Right Stick X axis:Pitch
Right Stick Y axis:Turn
Left Stick X Axis: Strafe Left/Right
Left Stick Y Axis: Strafe Up/Down

RT: Roll Clockwise
LT:Roll CounterClockwise
LB: Fire Secondary
RB:Fire Primary
A: Flight assist toggle
Back/Menu Button:Navigation Menu
Right D-Pad: Target Front (Point and Target)
Left D-Pad: Target Nearest
Up D-Pad: Accelerate(Bound to right back paddle)
Down D-Pad: Decelerate(Bound to left back paddle)

I also use medium to low graphic settings not out of necessity, but because every bit helps with smoothness, or at least gives me placebo lol. Depends on your rig what you choose to do with this.
But what I will highly recommend is:

Effects Detail: High (This affects the weapon effects, and if it's easier to see its easier to dodge)
Background:Off (Up to you, It makes energy a lot easier to see and dodge, but does make the scenery drab)

Fov was until yesterday set to 80. I believe the default is 60, there's no way to check your current Fov that I know of.
You set fov by typing the command "/set fov 80"
I am now testing out 95, but I do not reccomend going from default or lower fov to anything over 80. I'd actually reccomend you increase your fov by increments of 5 or 10 and testing it.

I'm not going to go over plug-ins in this thread, but I will say that one of my essential plug-ins is MultiAim, which adds a leadoff reticle for the secondary weapons group if you're using multiple weapons, as well as allows you to customize the size.

That's about it, I will update and edit throughout the next few days. Hope some of you new gamepad users get use out of this.
Jun 08, 2018 Whistler link
Extremely helpful. Thank you.
Jun 08, 2018 Luxen link
If your not using a skin, Vendetta Online now contains multiaim in options>interface. If you edit the skin, it works with them too. Also, i thought you could retreive values like fov by leaving it without an argument? I use 75fov, personally, and 60 when using SimVR (cause adjusting it in VR mode is disabled for obvious reasons)
Jun 08, 2018 jordanmorgan14f link
I prefer the plug in version, can you change the in game versions size?