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Making an Ingame Vendetta Database

Feb 02, 2004 GThang link

In order for you to be able to DCC _to_ someone, you have to make sure your IRC-Client knows its IP (e.g. in xChat, you can have it request its IP from the server), and that it knows a port (or port-range) to which the others can connect.
Basically, when you DCC _to_ someone, your client is telling them to connect to you @ ip:port :)

(The port part is most relevant for firewalls and NATs not knowing the IRC-protocol)

Feb 02, 2004 roguelazer link
You also need a firewall that will let it go, which many won't...
Feb 02, 2004 UncleDave link
I was thinking it may be possible to do some crude mass testing by the amount a ship is thrown by a single sunflare to the cockpit.
Feb 08, 2004 Celkan link
version v0.1b was released to the testers today, and I am already finished with v0.2.2b, planning on release tomorrow.

"In the pipe" for v0.3.xb:
Hell, I don't know. You people think of something REASONABLE and maybe it will appear. I'm thinking of putting the bar menu in there for quick ingame access.
Feb 09, 2004 Pyro link
Ooof. Sorry, Verd, I probably won't be able to get to it until later this week, and won't be able to do much of anything next week. School == evil right now... I have about 5 papers and tests next week... :-/
I'll get to it as soon as I can, though...

Ooo, you should just alias /bar or /menu to the bar menu... :P
Feb 09, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
well, as of right now, (as I just learned of the release, oh, 20-25 seconds ago) and my game isn't currently working...(now 35 seconds) I will start running it into itself as soon as I manage to log on again (now 47.45 seconds) so my actual tester report maybe slightly delayed. (Now 59.72 seconds)

[SDF] Black 1

PS: (1 min. 2.42 sec.)
Feb 10, 2004 Celkan link
Known bugs with v0.1b:

Text wrapping occurs in some entries; this was fixed during production, but something occurred and now it is fixed in v 0.2.2b

Another note on the menu, it is now accessable on Vendetta Ice.
Feb 10, 2004 Sheean link
So... where can I get it?
Feb 10, 2004 Celkan link
From me. And keep in mind it's not an open beta.
Feb 10, 2004 roguelazer link
If ya want, I can probably come up with some method of "authenticated hosting" for you...
Feb 11, 2004 Celkan link
It's easier my way, because I do all of the editing on my home consoles. Besides, hosting requires uploading... -.-
Feb 19, 2004 Celkan link
Directions for Installation of the UID (any version)

1) Place in home directory.
2) Open Terminal.
3)* Type: sudo mv ~/vdatabase.txt /Applications/
4) Enter administrative password
5) Option-click/right-click and 'Show package contents' on
6) Open wgaf.cfg
7) Start new line, type: alias UID "load vdatabase.txt"
8)** Start new line, type: bind "~" UID
9) Save and quit

1) Move vdatabase.txt to Vendetta folder (C:/Program Files/Guild Software/Vendetta/ is default)
2) Open wgaf.cfg
3) Start new line, type: alias UID "load vdatabase.txt"
4)** Start new line, type: bind "~" UID
5) Save and quit

Planned additions for first public version: more realistic startup.

*for the path, use whatever it is, I used what I figured to be the generic.
**use what ever key you want, ~ is an example
Feb 19, 2004 Sheean link
The vendetta folder in linux is: $HOME/.vendetta/
Feb 19, 2004 Celkan link
thanks, Linux instructions as follows:

1: Move vdatabase to Vendetta folder ($HOME/.vendetta/ by default)
2) Open wgaf.cfg
3) Start new line, type: alias UID "load vdatabase.txt"
4)** Start new line, type: bind "~" UID
5) Save and quit

Use any key you want, ~ is used as an example.
Feb 19, 2004 roguelazer link
The linux one-liner (type in any terminal when logged in as your vendetta user):

cp vdatabase.txt ~/.vendetta/vdatabase.txt && echo "load vdatabase.txt >> ~/.vendetta/wgaf.cfg && echo 'bind "~" UID' >> ~/.vendetta/wgaf.cfg
Feb 19, 2004 Celkan link
if it's in the vendetta folder it doesn't need a path, just the filename.
Feb 19, 2004 roguelazer link
My official report:

There seems to be no way to access any sectors besides 1, 4, 5 and 14. Maybe I'm just stupid. Likewise, there's no way to access more than one guild per category. The VPAI are totally missing there, as well. Oh, and the Itani Nation Military adopted the [INM] tag, you should update that...
Feb 19, 2004 Celkan link
It's a simple scrolling system. use * to go backwards, ( to go forwards, ) to go up a level.

INM tag is in v1.0.0 The VPAI? I'll check the master copy when I get a chance.

/me thinks Roguelazer didn't read the code at all.

"Maybe I'm just stupid." Maybe you are. :P
Feb 19, 2004 roguelazer link
Hmm. It would be nice if you told us all of this in the program, no? I actually figured out that on my own about 2 mins ago, but I had to figure it out by pressing random buttons... And about reading the code, well, why would I do that? And the VPAI is there, a nice little one liner.
Feb 19, 2004 Celkan link
You realize I figured it wouldn't be beyond all of you to actually LOOK at the code, now do you?