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Comments on the update

Apr 28, 2004 Spider link
So far I'm mighty impressed. A lot of things broke in this update, and a lot more snags that I don't think the devs had expected to break, broke.

We overloaded sectors pretty badly (cargo in 12 for a while when neither blue or gold could be online so everyone was red.) and it seems we have generally stressed the servers quite more than people seem to have expected.

Throughout this there has been some whining , as usual, from those of us who got stuck and couldn't advance any more in the new missions due to said bugs, but overall it also seems that there has been a tremendous effort att isolating bugs and testing things. really nice from the community perspective.

For me, I'm impressed at the rate which the devs came down on theese bugs (empty nodes in sectors, Broken station interface and others), And I also appreciate that they let it loose right now.

For those who whined that it should have been more stable, tested a while longer, held on a week more. I don't think it'd have been as productive. Right now we broke a lot of things, found quite a bundle of bugs and annoyances, but... many of those were fixed soon, and thats really why we are here.

We don't pay for a product, we participate in a test. Actually testing things like that is quite fun, and its really enjoyable to see it in production.

Thankyou, Devs.

And get some sleep, you need it.
Apr 28, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I'm with Spider on this one. The release now has finally let the cat out of the bag so we can truely get into some meat again and do our job, tearing your guy's work apart.

From my limited, 1-2 hour, flight expierence this update is massive and will eventually improve the game overall. I pity the poor newb though that enters after we all get back up again. They'll have a hard time comming up through the ranks.

But overall, just discovering bugs has been pretty amusing. (specially the s5 and s9 shortages).

And yeah, Devs, you guys deserve some rest for this one. I'm half tempted to say one go on vacation for a week rotating between all of you for a month.

Apr 29, 2004 furball link
Let me also add my words of "GREAT JOB!" to those of Pyro and Spider. I am VERY pleased to see skills and licenses. And to see that after 24 hours, we don't have ANYONE who is flying a special ship!

Allow me also to say that ANYONE who judges the final game based on the CURRENT in game situation IMNSHO is short-sighted at best. Space Quake is gone. Vendetta is FINALLY getting the RPG elements that we've been told were coming. To debate about how much XP is needed for a specific task, whether or not there are enough skills, IF using a skill system is correct or not, etc at this time lacks judgement AND respect for the devs IMNSHO. We are still missing a LOT OF content (as Incarnate posted), smart AI's, new ship and weapon types, the rest of the faction and reputation system, and even a new universe/nav system.
Apr 29, 2004 Spellcast link
let me also add my comment of great update devs.
Apr 29, 2004 spectre_c_me link
my brain may be stupid enough to not fully comprehend how the new system works, but i love to take the pills for a headache well earned. great job devs!


/me wonders if the devs ever read this stuff, cause they prolly think they are all the best... wait they are gods... they dont have to think they are... they KNOW they are

yeah that actually was an unintentional butt kiss right there... i tried to make it funny... dint work out well...