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Intergalactic Bus Racing League [UBRL]

Apr 28, 2005 Apex link
I tried racing with a stock Ec-88 the other day with a few other people, and I found that it's REALLY fun! and also more balanced and fluid than racing with IBG's and RevC's.

I got about 4 other people to race with me in EC-88's at Sedina D5, and we had a BLAST!! The nudging at high speed doesn't cause so much of a problem that you can't recover, and the speed that the EC-88's travel is plenty to have a great time.

So here is what I propose:

People that are interested, start characters for Bus racing, Tank your standing and get enough trade level so that you can carry decent batteries for potential COMBAT racing in the future.

I'll work with other people that are adament in this project and we'll organize official [IBRL] Grand Prix's! Prizes, sponsorships, Glory, all that good stuff just like the Deneb races and the DWO sponsored tournaments.

post imput on this, after you've tried a Bus race with 2 or more people and tell me what you think!

[edit] heh, I just noticed I said UBRL, it should have been IBRL...
Apr 29, 2005 softy2 link
Yeah. Bus racing rules!

/me signs up.
Apr 29, 2005 Snax_28 link
Hehe, I'm in too. I just created an alt.

Apr 29, 2005 Apex link
Tell me what your chars are.

My Bus racer is Akire Azimuth (my rp real name)
Apr 29, 2005 Snax_28 link
Mines Barf. It was Drunk Bus Driver, but he got /mute voted within ten minutes of being born :P

Apr 29, 2005 Black Omega link
Why not make it the,

or BRIL for short
Apr 29, 2005 Dasus Vanos link
Ill make one of them alts, dunno what it'll be called, suppose youll know when i do.